Four is better than one (has tsukkiyamakagehina) (one shot)

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No triggers yay.

1106 words.

Requested by @ellorylikeslemonade

Kozume looked across the court and glared playfully at Akaashi. The opposite setter happily glared back, leaving both teams annoyed. Ever since Akaashi became the captain of Fukurodani and Kozume became the vice captain of Nekoma, the teams had been having a ridiculous amount of practice matches. Neither team knew how they were able to plan so many.

When Akaashi first offered a practice match to Nekoma, they had accepted gratefully. But now Kozume always got to coach first, and he always wanted the answer to be an "as excited as Kozume can get 'yes'."

In fact, both coaches had to draw the line at some point and say no once in a while. Akaashi started pulling a dirty trick after that where he asked slightly more often so that it seemed like they were saying "no" the same amount, but they were still getting a similar amount of matches.

At some point or another, Kozume brought up wanting to play with Karasuno (he actually said "Shoyo", but Akaashi gave him the benefit of the doubt and pretended he meant the whole team), so he invited them along one time. Obviously Nekomata couldn't refuse playing against a different team for once.

So, after Fukurodani finished playing against Karasuno, it was time for lunch. They had been playing all morning, and the scores were somewhere around Fukurodani having 3 wins, Nekoma having 2, and Karasuno also having 2.

"Looks like we still got it." Akaashi said to Kozume. The blond pouted playfully and forced Akaashi to give him a piggyback ride across the gym. "Why can't you walk, again?"

"I don't want to."

"I swear to God," Akaashi groaned.

"Kozume, you want some watermelon?" Lev asked. Kozume shrugged and hopped off Akaashi's back.

"Wow, so now you can walk?" Akaashi said sarcastically. Kozume flipped him the finger and grabbed the watermelon. Akaashi rolled his eyes and sat down. One semi-good, semi-bad thing about them having matches so often was that the teams had gotten to be close, so they practically mixed.

Akaashi noticed that Karasuno was sitting awkwardly amongst themselves a couple minutes ago, so he decided to lean back and call out to them. They looked over in confusion.

"Get over here, we have better watermelon." Karasuno still looked confused. "Just come over here and sit. We can have a conversation like normal people instead of me yelling at you."

Hinata immediately bounded over and sat next to Kozume, who smiled ever so slightly. Akaashi learned not to get jealous at this point. Besides his boyfriends, Kozume didn't have many friends who weren't on the volleyball team. Hinata wasn't Akaashi's last choice for a friend for him, so whatever.

After most of them finished eating, Hinata looked at Kozume and got his attention. He toned his voice down and whispered, "can I talk to you?" Kozume shrugged and stood. "Is that a yes?"

"Yeah. I figured you meant somewhere private."

"O-oh! Yes." Kozume led Hinata outside and sat on the step, patting next to him for Hinata to sit, too.

"So, why did you need to bother me?"

"That's a little harsh... but, I had a question about, um, your soulmate stuff." Kozume turned to Hinata and urged him to continue. "Well, theoretically, if I had multiple soulmates, would it be weird to talk to them?"

"Wha- how would I know if you'd have a hard time talking to someone?" Kozume asked. Hinata waved his arms around.

"That's not quite what I meant! I meant, like, was it weird for you?"

Kozume thought back to finding out about Kuroo, Bokuto, and Akaashi being his soulmates. Was he afraid? Upset? Happy? He didn't remember the exact emotions, but he did remember it being mostly relief.

"The Fukurodani pair and me and Tetsu knew for a little while before actually telling the other pair our suspicions. The main thing I remember is getting picked up against my will."

"I won't question that, then. Was it scary?"

"Terrifying. I figured, though, if we didn't tell them now, when would we? After the fact we certainly had weird patches, especially with figuring out a dynamic that would work for all of us. Tetsu and Ko are in college now, but we're still going strong. And that's me who thinks that. I'm not confident with a lot of stuff."

"Yeah... just, would it be weird for your soulmate to be your best friend?"

"I'd be willing to believe that it's more common. Like, you meet out of fate and then find out you're supposed to spend the rest of your life together. That was me and Tetsu's situation."

"That makes sense..."

"Of course it does. So, in short, I'd just talk to to Tsukki and Tadashi and Kageyama." Kozume stood and started walking back into the gym.

"How- huh?!"

"I'm good at this, Shoyo. Just talk to them. They're all in the same boat as you." Kozume walked back over to Akaashi and leaned on him heavily.

"What was that about?"

"The author forgot all their ideas for this one shot so that was the best and most awkward yet cute conversation they could come up with."

"Again with this 'author' thing? Do you need an ambulance?"

"Maybe. Anyway, Shoyo and the other second years are soulmates."

"Damnit, I owe Tetsuro money."

"You bet on someone else's love life against him? What were expecting?"

"I thought it was only Hinata, Yamaguchi, and Kageyama."

"Well, you were close. Just stop betting against him, you're going to end up paying all his college funds." Akaashi rolled his eyes but nodded.

Later that day, they witnessed the single most awkward yet adorable conversation between soulmates they had ever seen. And that was saying something, for them.

Hinata started off weak, Yamaguchi ended up stepping in to help, then they all agreed to something. A relationship, probably.

"We helped a group of awkward birds get together."

"I, Keiji. I did that."

"If I didn't plan this it wouldn't of happened."

"If I didn't ask for Karasuno to come it wouldn't of."

"Correction, you just asked for Shoyo. If I had only invited him it wouldn't of happened."

"If I never brought his name up-"

"No. We both played a part. It's truth by default, since you can name a false statement."

"Are we really bringing in a math theory most of the readers won't even understand?"

"What do you mean, 'readers'?! I'm just saying: if I helped get Karasuno here, then it was only you who helped. It's false because the statement is false. The hypothesis can't be true if that's true as well."

"Fine, whatever."

So they went to Kozume's house and vibed to Boku No Hero Academia because you can vibe to shows now.

What... idk what happened. I felt bad for not updating in over 2 weeks though so here. I have like 6 different one shots going right now so I'm slowly getting all of them done. I also have two questions:

1) for anyone who watches bnha, if I wrote a bnha fic, would you rather see a trans!Kaminari AU, or an actor(s)!TodoBaku story? (Quirks in both, just the added things). The trans AU would deal with heavy topics (r@pe, transphobia, emotional/mental abuse, teen/unplanned pregnancy, ect...), while the actor AU would be more lighthearted other then Endeavor being himself. I already have starts for both of them, so please vote in the comments >>>

2) if I started a "haikyuu!! reacts" book, would people read it? It would have ships, AUs, ect. Leave opinions >>>

Hope you all enjoyed! Goodnight ✌️

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