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"Are you excited, Akaashi? I'm super duper excited for you! Meeting your soulmate and writing to them for the first time is so exhilarating." Even if it does end up being two different people.

"I'm excited, I just don't think too much of soulmates. It can't be that amazing. And since when do you know what 'exhilarating' means?"

"But Agaashi~ you feel things through the skin. I feel really protective over my soulmate, even though we've probably never even met." Bokuto ranted, ignoring Akaashi's jab at his intelligence.

"I mean, my dad and moms soulmates died young and they're happily married, so why should soulmates decide?"

"I'm not saying they should, but you've never felt the connection the same way. It just... it's amazing how the universe connects people."

"Didn't you say you were having soulmate issues a while ago? It was around the time of the penis incident." Bokuto blushed.

"I still am, but they're getting... easier." Akaashi tilted his head at the weird word choice.


"I don't know... I'll tell you when the time is right."

"Alright, Bokuto-san." Akaashi said.

Akaashi waited patently until lunch time, just about when he was supposed to of been born. He didn't know the real time, and his parents had long forgotten. He had been able to feel tons of writing going on for a few minutes, though, so he figured it was nearly time and went to the bathroom with a pen wielded in his hand.

Bokuto, Kuroo, Kozume, and Akaashi all felt the numbing shock and tingle travel through them, the former three running the nearest bathroom in the school.

'Please tell me it isn't true...' Bokuto wrote frantically, the words barely legible. 'Please tell me you guys didn't feel that...'

'I did...' Kuroo responded. He didn't understand how this kept happening. By all laws of physics, it really shouldn't.



'...what the fuck?' Akaashi finally put down. Bokuto and Kuroo switched off explaining their system while Kozume calmed himself down from an anxiety attack.

'Puddin', breathe.' Kuroo soothed. There wasn't much you could do over the skin, though Kozume mentioned liking the feeling of the pen on it. Bokuto drew his flower on his wrist. Kozume looked at it and hummed, signifying his gratitude, even though Bokuto couldn't hear it.

'So we're supposed to have a poly relationship or something?' Akaashi asked the group. They all responded with some sort of "yes".

'Of course we've discussed never actually meeting, or only two of us. Now we could do something along the lines of me and Muscles meet up since we've known each other longest and then Puddin' and new guy. Just a thought tho.' Kuroo offered Akaashi.

'You all feel so familiar...'

'That's happened every time. Me and Bedhead both feel like we've been best friends for years, even when we first started talking. We also both feel super protective of Puddin'. Do you want a nickname, by the way?' Bokuto asked. Akaashi thought for a moment. Muscles, Bedhead, Puddin'.

'You guys are taking this much better then I am. Pretty boi. That'll be my nickname.'

'Eh we're going to be all out of wack later when it really hits us, Pretty Boi.'

'Bedhead, I have a very strong distaste for you already.'

'rUdE.' Akaashi sighed and watched the conversation drift to something else on his arm. He knew the experience would be weird, his parents had told him about their struggles, but he was expecting, if anything, to not be able to talk to his soulmate.

How was he supposed to tell his parents that he could not only talk to his soulmate, but three others?

A/n: I usually like to have my next chapter and a half done before I post the current one, so I'm ahead, so I might not post tmr. I still might, but the next few chapters are probably going to be longer so maybe not. Anyway, thanks for reading. Goodnight ✌️

Haikyuu soulmate au-bokuakakurokenWhere stories live. Discover now