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Idk why, but I was in the mood for some angst. It gets pretty intense, so if abuse/blood is triggering for you, please skip this chapter. It does get fluffy, tho, don't worry.

"Bokuto. Bokuto. Bokuto." Sarukui sighed. "Akaashi, you try." Akaashi waved his hand in front of Bokuto's face, snapping him out of his trance.

"Sorry! My mind drifted."

"We could tell." Komi snorted, bouncing a ball off the inside of his arms.

"Bokuto-san, we need to talk." Akaashi said, seeing a look of panic cross Bokuto's face. "Nothing bad, I just have a question."

"Oh. Ok." Akaashi led Bokuto outside and sat down on the gym steps, dragging Bokuto with him.

"Ever since our practice match you've been out of it, and I'm worried. What's going on?" Bokuto took a few calming breaths before responding.

"I think my parents have caught onto the whole soulmate situation. And they... aren't really supportive of gay or poly relationships." Akaashi's eyes widened.

"You're safe, right?"

"Yes, of course! They've just been distancing themselves from me and asking about my soulmate more often. For some reason I just really want us all to be together right now and all the time."

"Well, there is a thing that can happen where you start needing your soulmate more if you're going through something. Especially if you just figured out you were soulmates. That could be the case here."

"I guess. Would that explain me just really, really wanting to snuggle into Kuroo's chest and never get up?" Akaashi chuckled and nodded.


"Hey, you know that, like, protective feeling I have over you all the time?" Kuroo asked Kozume, who nodded slightly. "I'm having that over Bokuto right now. Which is weird, since usually I get a protected feeling."

"There's this thing that can make you really want your soulmate if you just found out you were soulmates if you're going through something. It's probably that happening to Bokuto, so your natural instinct is to keep the thing hurting him away. I kind of feel it, too, though, which is concerning because, well. I'm not really a protective person."

"Yeah. Well, we should ask him. I don't like it."

"You could ask him now." Kozume suggested, setting his game down on Kuroo's bed. They didn't have practice today.

"He and 'Kaashi are at volleyball. In a little while."

Eventually, Kuroo's mom called Kozume and him down for dinner, and they went down to the room smelling of delicious food.

"Mom, I have something to tell you." Kozume glanced at Kuroo, noticing some apprehension in his features. Was he really about to tell her right there?

"Is something wrong?"

"Not wrong, just different. Or something. I don't know. Anyway, me and Kozume are soulmates and we also have two other soulmates, Akaashi and Bokuto, and so yeah." Kuroo rushed, leaving his mother almost speechless.

"...oh. Alright. When did you find out?" She asked a little shakily.

"Bokuto and I have been talking since my birthday, then Kozume's birthday happened and that was awkward, then Akaashi's birthday happened and that was even more awkward. Then we just pieced it together." His mother nodded silently.

"I'm ok with that, but it is your choices on what you act on."

"I know, that's part of the reason I told you. I think something's going on with Bokuto and I don't know what to do."

Haikyuu soulmate au-bokuakakurokenDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora