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Bokuto stared at the small 'hi' that was written on his arm. It definitely was not his own handwriting, nor Bedhead's, besides, he seemed just as confused.

'Don't panic, we'll figure out what's going on.' Kuroo wrote hastily.

'How am I supposed to not panic??' Bokuto responded. It was a fair question.


'There are already 2 of you? How am I here...'

'WhO lEt YoU iNtO oUr GrOuP cHaT?'

'You. I don't like you.' Bokuto frowned.

'We probably have to deal with each other the rest of our lives, so try.' Kuroo wrote. The three sat in utter silence for a few minutes. Kozume finally called his mom upstairs.

"What's wrong, hun? Have you and your soulmate talked?"

"Um... I think so? Not in a like, I think they were kidnapped way!" Kozume ranted, seeing his moms scared face. "It's just... never mind, it'll be okay."

"If you think so, Ken." His mom walked out. Kozume looked back at his arm, nobody had written while he was talking.

'Do we tell people?' One of them asked. He had super bouncy writing. He seemed like the type of person who you'd be surprised to be able to share secrets with.

'I wouldn't... just in case.' Kozume felt a familiar presence with both of the entities, but the one who had just written especially.

'Should we tell the new person about the nicknames?' Bokuto asked. The new person seemed trustworthy, Bokuto actually got a really protective feeling for them, but he wanted to make sure Bedhead was okay with it.

'Sure. My nickname is Bedhead and the other guy is Muscles. We don't want to share too much info yet.'

'Ah. I'll be Puddin', like what Harley Quinn calls the joker.'

'Are you also a guy?' Bokuto asked. Kozume stopped for a second, taking in the fact all three of them were boys, but quickly replied.

'Yeah. I'll talk to you guys later.'

'Alrighty. Talk to you later.' Kuroo wrote. That is... a lot to take in. A third person? Maybe the universe made a mistake? You shouldn't be able to see another soulmates writing until your current one dies, but then why could Muscles see it? Oh man...

Bokuto set his pen down and stared at his wall. He and Bedhead were just starting to get more comfortable with each other, and now this? Puddin' seemed nice enough, but you couldn't be too careful.

Kozume also put his pen down. He quickly went to the shower and washed off his own writing, frowning that he couldn't wash off the others. He saw the guy who was dubbed 'Bedhead' seem to be scrubbing off his writing as well, further confirming that there really were three different people.

Bokuto reluctantly stood and cleaned his arm, copying his soulmate(s). He did draw the flower again, though. He honestly didn't care if his soulmates told him to stop, that would be one thing he'd do until he died. Bedhead knew that.

Kozume trudged to school, still feeling awkward about his soulmate situation. He decided when everyone asked him about it, he'd say they weren't 17 yet. That was a pretty good solution to get everyone off his back for the time being. He felt the already familiar sensation of someone writing across his arm, not bothering to look down. He felt the tickle on his wrist, identifying it was Muscles' daily flower.

The setter sat at his desk, ignoring any questions about his soulmate. Who knew people were so invested in his life? Unless they were just asking out of respect, which was possible.

Kuroo and Muscles had been talking most of the morning, Puddin' almost never contributing to the conversation. Kuroo didn't really mind, but he was disappointed. He seemed nice, though shy at times, even just by his small, stiff handwriting. Muscles drew the flower. Kuroo still liked the only slightly different designs from each day. Today was a small, 7-petal flower. Cute.

He sat through his classes, not paying much attention in any of them. He fell asleep in Chemistry, not that it really mattered, him being so involved with the subject already. It still threw his day off. He didn't even notice Kozume's confused and somewhat scared face at practice, nor did Kozume notice his.

The rest of Nekoma noticed, though. And they were freaking out.

Bokuto zoned out during morning practice. This was not normal, and immediately identified by everyone in the room, but then they asked why. Bokuto couldn't answer that, not properly.

"I didn't sleep much last night or something I don't know I'm bad at lying." Bokuto confessed.

"Why are you trying to lie? I'm not mad or anything, but that's not like you." Akaashi asked. Bokuto scratched his arm.

"I can't say. Like, physically can't make myself say it."

"Would it help if it were private?" Bokuto shook his head.

"I just can't say." He subconsciously rubbed the flower on his wrist, smudging it a bit.

"Is something wrong?"

"What about 'I can't say' can you not understand?"


"I'm sorry! School and volleyball are stressing me out and my stupid soulmate-! Ugh!"

"So it's about your soulmate?" Sarukui asked calmly.

"I guess. Just drop it, it'll be fine." The team doubted that, but let it be for now.

Kuroo, Kozume, and Bokuto all flopped on their beds after practice, a mixture of stress and confusion lulling them to sleep.

A/n: I wasn't planning on putting a/ns in here but people are actually reading it sO thanks ig. Goodnight ✌️

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