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P | i'm sorry y/n but i can't let you talk about yourself like that.

you smile at him as he takes your hand to walk you downstairs. you get to the office.

P | excuse me.

lady | yes sir. what do you need?

P | i'm Payton Moormeier, talent here at Playlist. while out in the yard my friend's phone was stolen. she is also talent. tell her your name.

he whispers to you.

y/n | uh, hey. i'm y/n.

lady | y/n.... and... payton... okay i see you guys. y/n, did you see the guy?

y/n | yes.

lady | what did he look like.

y/n | tall, brown hair, deep voice, green eyes, he was wearing black jeans with a red shirt, he was a visitor.

lady | this again. you are not the first person to complain about him. we have people looking for him at the doors but we haven't seen him yet. so he's likely in a room. we will stop him before he leaves.

P | she's not the only one he's done this to?

lady | no, about the 12th.

P | that bitch.

lady | i'll give you a call if we see him. you do the same.

P | got it.

lady | had a great night.

you and payton go back upstairs to jaden and mads.

M | did you get your phone back?

y/n | no.

you throw your bag on the bed and flop down.

P | apparently he's done the same thing to countless other creators.

J | seriously.

P | they can't find him.

J | he got taken with security when we fought.

y/n | so he's probably gone.

P | would they have taken him somewhere in here.

J | no they probably kicked his ass out.

y/n | if he gets into my phone then he has access to all my social media.

payton puts his hand on your shoulder. it comforts you.

J | does you mom have an iPhone?

y/n | yeah... why?

J | if you're connected in find my iPhone you can track it and turn it on lost mode unless it's dead.

y/n | yeah... uhh i'll give her a call.

P | you can use my phone.

he hands you his phone. you go into his contacts and look up "y/n's mom" when you see your name show up as "y/n🥺🤍" it brings a smile to your face. then you call your mom.

mom | hey payton? what's up?

you are nervous to talk to your own mom. you are shaking.

mom | hello?

you throw his phone on the bed and run to the bathroom slamming the door behind you. you look at yourself in the mirror. who am i kidding. that kid was right. no one has forgotten what i'd done. no one will. i don't even deserve to be here. you fall to the floor covering your face in your hands. tears roll down your cheeks soaking your hands.

*payton's pov*

y/n is calling her mom and my phone and i see her smile at the heart after her name on my phone. i haven't deleted that heart since tour. i changed her name back to y/n but i moved around the heart. it means a lot to me. i always use the white heart as a sign of hope. y/n used it all the time. she calls her mom and stutters then throws the phone running into the bathroom. i pick it up.

P | uh hey!

mom | hey payton. what's up?

P | i have to call you in a second my bad.

mom | okay, is everything okay?

P | y- yes.

mom | payton don't lie to me. is y/n okay?

P | yeah. i'll call you in a second. actually jaden can you talk to her.

M | i got it.

mads takes the phone.

M | hello? this is mads. i'm a good friend of y/n's.

mom | hey mads.

i knock on the door and there's no answer. i can hear her crying.

*back to your pov*

i hear a knock at the door.

P | open the door please.

you just keep crying. you can't have him see you like this.

P | y/n please.

he keeps saying stuff but you can barley hear him. you are crying so loud.

J | y/n sweetheart. please open the door. we want to help you.

M | it's all going to be okay girly.

J | should i get someone?

M | like who?

P | i can help her she just needs to open the door.

J | we could get nick?

M | yeah, nick helped her through all that. that would be good.

J | what room is he in.

M | uhh 215?

J | no, it was in the 300's

M | OH! 386!

J | yes! i'll go get him.

P | no!

J & M | what?

P | don't get...nick. just i got it.

J | don't fix what isn't broken man. nick knows. you can find out later when y/n isn't in there crying.

P | it'll be fine.

J | i understand where you're coming from but i wouldn't-

P | give us 15 minutes. you and mads can go down to nick's room for all i care. be back in 15 minutes and we'll be fine.

J | okay. timer starts now.

don't fix what isn't broke.

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