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your heart is beating super fast. you kinda tap him. he stands up and yells.

N | yooo. that shit just touched me i stg.

A | are you kidding?

you stand up.


y/n | hi.

N | holy shit.

A | who is it?

N | i don't know.

A | kover go unzip the back.

kover unzips the back of the suit and you slid your head out.

N | y/n?

his voice cuts out as he runs over knocking you back on the couch. nick hugs you really tight. just being in his arms makes you feel safe. you begin to cry a bit.

y/n | hi baby.

N | hey.

alex laughs. after a little bit you get back up.

A | were you expecting that?

N | not at all. is that where you were when you didn't call me back.

y/n | yeah. i was in the car on my way out here. i went on my flight for 3 hours and you called me in the car. i was at trents place where i met alex and kover when i left.

N | so you guys weren't at a meeting with your manager.

K | at 9 o'clock at night. seriously?

nick wraps his arms around you.

N | i'm so glad you're here. wait how'd you get here.

charli and nial walk out of the bathroom.

N | charli?

he goes and gives her a hug.

Ch | hey nick.

you all sit around and catch up for a bit.

Ni | you guys hungry for dinner. i'll pay.

A | always.

Ni | what are you all thinking?

N | pedros?

K | yes!! pedros.

Ni | okay.

K | i'll get an egg cheese omelette with no sauce.

Ni | got it.

N | an order of tamales.

Ni | okay.

Ch | cheese wrap.

Ni | alright. for you y/n?

y/n | idk what's good from there nick?

N | i think you'll like there beachside soup.

y/n | i'll get that.

nial leaves and you all talk to each other. you wrap your arms around nicks to keep yourself warm. you are shivering. nick rubs your back.

N | are you cold?

y/n | no i'm fine.

N | come with me i'll get you a hoodie. i'll be right back.

charli sits with alex and kover. you go upstair and sit on nicks bed.

y/n | i don't think i've been in here before.

N | it's a little messy i wasn't expecting anyone.

y/n | it's okay.

he grabs a sweatshirt out of his closet.

N | you like this one?

y/n | yeah.

you put it on.

N | you look so cute.

nick puts his arms around you.

N | i love you.

y/n | i love you too.

you stand on your tip toes and give him a kiss. you go back downstairs and nial comes in with food. you and nick sit down and you open your food. you take a spoonful and blow on it. you eat it and your stomach turns. you just want to eat but you know you are going to puke it back up. nick eats his tamales and you don't really eat much you mess with your food. you put in in the fridge and nick didn't notice.

Ni | okay charli, y/n back to our hotel now it's getting late.

Ch | okay. bye alex. bye kover. bye nick.

you give nick a hug and a kiss.

y/n | i'll see you tomorrow love.

N | i'll see you tomorrow.

you say bye to alex and kover and go back to your hotel. you hang around with nial and charli before going to your room to go to bed. you call nick and fall asleep on the phone with him. the next morning you wake up with charli and nial and go on a run. you get smoothies. you end up pouring yours down the sink in the bathroom. nial drives you to trents where you are surprising the boys and where charli gets to meet up with chase again. trent come out of his office.

T | alright. the boys are in the waiting room. i'll call them up right now. when you hear me say "i have some big news" i want you to walk in and say "we're going to playlist" then they'll all be happy to see you.

y/n | okay.

you all stand outside and you see the boys walk in. you stand outside the door. you hear him say the words and you turn the door knob slowly. josh flew all the way from canada for this. payton is here too. you open the door.

y/n | we're going to playlist dummies.

all the heads turn toward you.

Ja | Y/N!

stay tuned for these reunions!

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