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N | what?

he says blankly.

N | when?

y/n | earlier. we got really emotional and then he kissed me. i didn't want to.

nick is silent. but he doesn't let go.

y/n | i'm such a fuck up. i can't be in a relationship without fucking something up. shit.

nicks still doesn't say anything. you stand up and he let's go.

y/n | i'm going to go. i'm sorry.

N | no. let's talk about it.

y/n | you don't want to talk about it. i tried to do one thing right. i just have too many issues. i came out here to surprise you and i fucked that up too. we could have had a magical time and went to the hollywood sign and-

N | i messed it up y/n.

y/n | what? no you didn't.

N | i called you the other day i was in pain.

y/n | because you missed me...

N | because i was scared. i met a girl while i was out the other day. i took her back here to watch a movie. i was so lonely. so.. we did it then she left. i sat in my bed crying. i knew i had messed up. you told me you loved me and i should have said something. you came clean to me less than an hour after it happened. because you love me. you cherished this relationship.

y/n | you cheated on me.

those words tore your heart apart piece by piece.

N | it was because i missed you.

y/n | you missed me so you fucked another girl. does alex know?

N | he would kill me.

y/n | chase?

N | no. i didn't tell anyone. i refuse to come to terms with it myself.

tears toll down your face.

y/n | it's over, nick. please don't call me.

you say with pain in your voice. nick yells for you.

N | y/n please! come back i want to talk to you! it can't end like this! i love you!

you can barely breath through your tears. you run through the living room out the front door.

C | y/n are you okay?

Ch | y/n?!

Ni | hey, what's wrong?

A | what's going on?

K | hey, y/n are you okay?

they follow you out the front door. you just keep running. down the streets of LA. tears rolling down your face. everyone is yelling behind you. you start to get dizzy. next thing you know you wake up in a hospital. it's very cold. there's an IV in your arm. there's a tube in your nose. you look over to the window and everyone is sitting there.


Ni | hey sweetheart are you okay?

he brushes you hair back. the nurse comes in.

nurse | great to see you awake.

you don't really say anything. nial is holding your hand. the nurse talks for a little bit. you aren't really listening. you see nick in pain. he is in the corner and his eyes are puffy. he is trying to hold back tears. the nurse eventually leaves. nial looks down at you.

Ni | sweetheart. why didn't you talk to anyone? i would have understood. your friends would have understood.

y/n | understood what? nothings wrong with me. i just... i don't know what happened.

Ni | overstimulation. your mind was running through all of these thoughts and it was under stress. but it didn't have enough nutrients and energy to do that and run under the stress level you were at. so your body just shut down.

y/n | it's not that big of a deal. i passed out. so what. nothings wrong. i'm fine.

Ni | we know you haven't been eating. nick told us.

you look over at him. he looks lost. nothing is tieing him down anymore. like he's going to float away into eternal lust.

y/n | i'm fine.

Ni | when was the last time you ate something.

y/n | last night.

Ni | one bite doesn't count. a whole meal.

y/n | at the airport.

Ni | really?

y/n | yeah.

Ni | don't lie to me.

y/n | i'm not. i ate my salad.

Ni | the doctor said there was no food in your system and their clearly hadn't been in over 8 days. you stomach began consuming itself.

that made you want to puke. but there was nothing to puke. you can't do anything. you can't leave. but your not hungry. there's nothing wrong with not eating if you aren't hungry. nial calls the nurse back in. she talks to you about eating and nutrition. it's like your high school heath class. you kept zoning out.

stay tuned for the next part. i'm going to put a trigger warning at the beginning of the next few chapters for eating disorders!

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