(Olympus Chapter) 7. Temple Of The Sun

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🏛️ Saint Seiya The Heaven: Olympus 🏛️

🔹Chapter 7: Temple of the Sun

// Scene on the road to the Temple of Apollo, Mount Olympus //Seiya, Jabu, Camus and the other Saints were on their way to the Temple of Apollo

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// Scene on the road to the Temple of Apollo, Mount Olympus //
Seiya, Jabu, Camus and the other Saints were on their way to the Temple of Apollo. On the way they were blocked by the Apollo's troops, Helios.

Camus: "Helios ..."
Jabu: "So the Apollo's troops blocking this far"
Seiya: "..."
Helios: "We are Corona Helios, the troops serving as the first defense"
Camus: "Hoo, so you are the first rank troops huh ... Are you the weakest ??"
(Camus speaks derisively)
Helios (Corona): "What did you say ?!"
Camus: "Isn't the first level always the weakest?"
Helios (Corona): "Hmph, the number of our Corona troops is quite large, you won't be able to beat us all"
Camus: "Then why only you only came with 5 people?"
Helios (Corona): "The five of us are enough to block you, those of you who don't know Mount Olympus, you better surrender"
Camus: "Surrender huh... What if we make it to the Temple of Apollo ??"
Helios (Corona): "Heh, you will not arrive ... If you can arrive you will not be able to survive, because there are still our troops who are even stronger"
Camus: "Hee, how great are your troops ?? ... Then -"

Suddenly Seiya ran towards the Helios, Seiya jumped over the wall of fire.

Seiya: "If so, show your greatness !!"
Camus: "Seiya, wait ...!"
Seiya: "* PEGASUS RYUSEI-KEN * !!"
(Seiya launches his attack from the air)
Seiya: "Take it!"
Helios (Corona): "Ughh !!"

Several Helios (Corona) managed to evade, but one of them was hit by Seiya's attack and immediately fell. The remaining four Helios (Corona) counterattacked Seiya with fire attacks. Seiya tried to avoid the attacks of the Helios (Corona), Seiya was hit by several fire attacks, but Seiya seemed to ignore it. Seiya beat the four Helios (Corona) well. One by one they managed to fall, and finally Seiya ended with Ryusei ken. In the end Seiya managed to defeat all Helios (Corona).

Camus: "Hmm ..."
Jabu: "Seiya ..."
(Everyone fell silent watching Seiya's action)
Seiya: "Huff ... Huff ..."
Camus: "Yare yare ... Though a little more"
Jabu: "Huh ??"
Camus: "Seiya, I told you to calm down, in a little bit I can almost get information from them"
Seiya: "There's no time to talk, we have to beat them all right away"

Camus advanced towards the wall of fire. Camus extinguished the flames with the ice power he had through his hands. Camus also spoke to the others

Camus: "Yep, it can't be helped ... Now we have to move on"
(Seiya just looked forward)
Camus: "I'm just reminding you all ... There is one thing a knight should not forget when he fights ..."
Jabu: "One thing we shouldn't forget ?? ..."
Camus: "You must know the answer ... Everything is inside you"
(All Saints think)
Camus: "Let's head to the temple of Apollo!"
Saint: "Yes !!"
(All Saints head to the Temple of Apollo)

// Scene at the Temple of Apollo, Mount Olympus //
Apollo was in the middle of his temple. He was with the whole army there.

Helios (Photos): "Apollo-sama, it looks like the Saints are on the way here"
Apollo: "Good, then I'll welcome them"
Helios (Photos): "Ehh, you will come face to face with them ?? ... You don't have to, let us handle them"
Apollo: "No, I have to meet them ... All of you, Corona Helios and Fotos Helios, you guys get ready in front of the temple, I'll be right there too"
Helios (Photos): "Understood !!"
(The entire army of Helios heads to the front of the Temple)
????: "Are you sure about this ??"
Apollo: "Yeah, it's not just facing them, it's something I have to do"
????: "So that's how it is"
Apollo: "Get ready, you'll be there too, Core"
Core: "I'll do it, Apollo-sama"

* Note: So, the Apollo's army is divided into 3 levels. The lowest tier of Corona Helios, second level is Fotos Helios, and the highest level is the Core Helios. For the number, Corona is 40 people, Photos is 20 people, and Core is only 1 person. This core is arguably Apollo's right arm. (Corona has been taken care of by Seiya 5 people, meaning the remaining 35)

// The scene in front of the Temple of Apollo, Mount Olympus //
Seiya and the others arrived in front of the Temple of Apollo.

Seiya: "Finally ..."
Camus: "So this is the Temple of the Sun God"
Jabu: "Great, this temple is completely sun-patterned, there are forms of solar flames in the temple ... What a wonderful place"
Seiya: "?!"
(Seiya stops suddenly)
Jabu: "What's wrong Seiya ??"
Seiya: "Look at that!"

In front of the temple, you can see the entire Helios army on guard there. Seiya and the others were on the spot.

Jabu: "They!"
Seiya: "Tchh!"
Camus: "So this is Apollo's army"

Apollo is seems showing himself accompanied by Core, behind the Helios troops

* Note: The temple is tall, so there are stairs in front of the temple ... And here Apollo is seen wearing his Kamui

Jabu: "Him !!"
Camus: "God of the Sun, Apollo"
Apollo: "You Athena's Saints, it is a grave mistake to have come to this temple of the sun"
Jabu: "What ?!"
Apollo: "The power of the sun will burn you down ... No, even your hopes will burn out here"
Seiya: "Apollo !!"
Apollo: "??"
(Apollo looks at Seiya)
Apollo: "Hoo, we meet again huh ... Pegasus"
Seiya: "This time I will show you the strength of a human !!"
Apollo: "The strength of a human, you say? Don't make me laugh"
Seiya: "What did you say ?!"
Apollo: "It was just a coincidence ... Don't you see that now I'm wearing my Kamui ??"
Jabu: "What ?! ... So it is Apollo's Kamui !!"
Apollo: "You won't have a chance this time"
Seiya: "I don't care what you wear! I will fight with you !!"
Apollo: "You are all outnumbered here, the result is clear"
(Camus responds seriously)
Apollo: "By the way, your power was awakened at that time ... It seems like it's just a coincidence, you can't use it"
Seiya: "Tchh !!"
Apollo: "You humans will soon perish, you are lowly beings, you are destined to be destroyed"
Seiya: "You're pissing me off !!"
(Camus suddenly comes forward)
Seiya: "Huh ??"
Jabu: "Camus ..."
Camus: "Heh, I heard that Seiya managed to hurt you before ... Right?"
Apollo: "What did you say ?!"
Camus: "Seiya, I also get annoyed by what he said ..."
Seiya: "Camus ..."
Camus: "So, I'll make this clear, great sun god ... We are ..."
(Camus' Cosmo rises very high, Aquarius Cloth briefly changes form)
Camus: "... Not as low as you say!"

Camus stomped his foot forward, then the path, the stairs, and the whole area that Apollo and the Helios army stood on, all turned to ice.

Helios (Corona): "What ?! The ground turned to ice !!"
Apollo: "You ...!"
Camus: "I am the Gold Saint, Aquarius Camus!"
(Aquarius Cloth returns to normal form)
Core: "Hoo, Aquarius Camus huh ..."
Seiya: "Camus ..."
Camus: "Seiya! ... You have to remember, the most important thing for a knight when he is fighting"
(Seiya thinks)
Camus: "Let's show the true ability of Athena's Saint!"
Saint: "Yeah !!"
Jabu: "Heh, me too!"
Seiya: "Everyone ..."
(Seiya comes forward, next to Camus)
Seiya: "Let's do it!"
(Camus smiles)
Seiya: "Come on everyone !!"

🔹Camus encourages the Saints ... Seiya and the others prepare to attack ... the Saint against Helios ... The Saints show their enthusiasm ...

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