My One shot Comic (Alternate ending for Movie 5)

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(First Panel)

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(First Panel)

Seems Seiya went through Apollo, and he make a scratch on his face. Then Apollo stares behind to Seiya

 Then Apollo stares behind to Seiya

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(Second panel)

Artemis: "God's aura?!! T-This ...!!"

Athena: "Ninth Sense"

Apollo: "Imposible!!"

(Apollo seems very surprised)

Apollo: "How can this human achieve Godhood?!!"

Seiya: "..."

Apollo: "Its not problem either, at the end I'm who the real God here"

Apollo: "I have no option!"

Suddenly, something shinning was on above Apollo's hand

Suddenly, something shinning was on above Apollo's hand

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(Third panel)

Artemis: "Brother, could it be?!!"

(Then Seiya move quickly)

Apollo: "I will punish both of you with my full power ... Using my Kamui"

(Seiya defend Athena from front)

Apollo: "Athena ... Pegasus ... Accept your punishment!!"

 Accept your punishment!!"

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(Fourth panel)

????: "Hold on ... Apollo"

(Suddenly, someone was talking)

Apollo: "?"

Artemis: "This voice ..."

Athena: "... Father"

Seiya: "..."

Zeus: "You and Artemis, get back to Olympus immidiately"

Apollo: "But Father. I need to punish them right now"

Zeus: "We can do it later, now we have another serious problem that we have to discuss ... The other already gathered now"

 The other already gathered now"

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(Fifth panel)

Apollo: "Understood Father"

Apollo: "Athena, from now, entire Olympus are your enemies. You can't run or hide ..."

Apollo: "Get ready"

(Athena's seems very tense after heard what Apollo say)

(Athena's seems very tense after heard what Apollo say)

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(Sixth panel)

Seiya: "You don't need to worry, Saori-san"

Seiya: "We will fight on your side, for mankind"

Athena: "Right ..."

Athena: "Thank you ... Seiya"

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