Chapter 6

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I woke up to the sun shining in my face and major headache. I groaned and pulled the covers  over my head. Few minutes later, I heard the room door open and footsteps coming to the side of my bed.

"Malia. I know you up. Take this pill and get ready. We going out." He said. I groaned and stayed where I was at.

"Malia." I groaned again. After a few seconds, I felt a sharp pain on my butt. I shot up from under the covers and gave him a death glare. He started laughing at me.

"Fuck you." I said while getting up and going towards the bathroom. I felt myself being pulled back into him. He pressed himself against me.

"When?" He asked in that deep sexy voice of his, sending chills down my back. I blushed and pushed him off of me. He chuckled while I walked into his bathroom, beginning to brush my teeth and washing my face.

Once I was done, I still had that migraine. I groaned and slugged my way into the room. Kendall was in his bed on his phone. This nigga is always on his phone.

"Baby, where we going?" I asked taking the pill on the dresser along with the glass of water.

He didn't answer me because he was to up in his phone.

"KJ where are we going?" I asked again. Once again, he didn't answer me. I cocked my eyebrow making my way over to his side of the bed climbing on top of him. I snatched his phone out his hand and put it in my bra.

He looked up at me like I was crazy and then gave me an evil smirk. I rose my eyebrow at him.

"You think I won't stick my hand in there and get my phone back." He asked.

"I know you will but you wasn't paying me any attention." I said poking out my bottom lip.

"Sorry baby. What were you saying?"

"Where are we going?"

"I want you to meet someone."

"Who is this someone?"

"You'll see." I groaned and climbed off of him and into the bathroom to get ready.


We pulled into this driveway. It was a big ass house. Kendall opened up my door and I got out. He grabbed my hand we walked up to the house. Kendall opened the door since it was unlocked and walked inside with me slowly dragging behind him.

"Ma!!" Kendall yelled.

"I'm in the kitchen." Someone yelled back. He pulled me in the kitchen along with him. I was hit in the face with an aroma that I was to familiar with. A lady was standing at the stove storing something in the pot.

"Hey mama. Where's Morgan?" He asked.

"In her room watching TV." The lady answered he nodded.

"Malia, I'll be right back. Mom this is Malia I been telling you about." With that he left out the kitchen. His mom turned around and gave me a warm smile.

Before you knew it she pulled me into a hug. I gladly hugged back. We let go of each other.

"Your more beautiful then he said you were. He used to talk about you all the time. Come here everyday talking something new or different about you. I'm just so happy that he finally has you. I hasn't seen him this happy in forever." She said.

"I'm glad I'm with him too. That boy gives me life." I said. She smiled at me.

Kendall walked into the kitchen with the most cutest little girl in his arms. 

"Malia, I want you to meet my daughter Morgan. Morgan I want you to meet Ms.Malia." he said.

"Daddy she pretty." Morgan said. We all laughed.

"Thank you, Morgan. Your the most cutest little girl in the world." I said. She smiled at me.

We stayed there playing and having fun with Morgan and Ms.Johnson.


I was sitting on Kendall's lap while Morgan was in mine sound asleep. She decided to come home with us for the weekend.

"Are you mad at me?" Kendall asked putting his head in the crook of my neck.

"Why would I be?" I asked.

"Because I never told you about morgan and then I have a child on the way. I'm the father of two children and their not yours." He said. I looked back at him.

"Baby, yea I'm kinda upset but I got to get over it cuz I can't change it and I love you to much to let you go over some petty shit like that." I said.

"Your the best girlfriend ever. Imma make you my wife one day and imma have you screaming my name all night." He said. I laughed.

"You always gotta make something nasty." I said laughing. We kept laughing and playing around for the rest of the night til we both fell asleep.


Sorry, I know this was a boring and short chapter but I wanna give y'all something cuz I haven't updated in a while. So here yall go.

Morgan in media. And yep, that's it. Should updating again soon.


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