Chapter 8

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Its been 3 weeks since I've talked to Kendall. Everyday at school he comes up to me and tries to talk to me but I ignore him like he isn't there. No matter how many times I reject him, he still keeps trying. He calls my phone all night and leaving me text messages about how much he misses me and wants to hold me and that he loves me.

I'm not even gonna lie. I miss him too. Every time I see him, I just wanna jump in his arms and stay in his embrace and act like nothing happened. But I can't let that happen.

He has hurt me after I have trusted him. This isn't the first Kendall has cheated on me. He has also cheated on me with 2 other girls but he thinks I don't know. There might be others but I wouldn't know.

In the back of my mind, I think its my fault for him cheating. Maybe if I wasn't a virgin and gave myself to him, he wouldn't have cheated on me. I couldn't full fill his needs and he found another way in order to full fill them. So technically this all my fault.

I've told Marie this but she tells me that I'm stupid. And if he really loved me, he would have waited for me and not have cheated but I guess boys are just boys.

I sighed before walking towards the building. I got a few whistles even though I only had on my skinny sweatpants with a white shirt with my Nike slide ins. I didn't even have on makeup and my hair wasn't even done. It was in a big messy bun. As I approached my locker, I saw someone standing there holding a whole bunch of flowers and balloons that were covering up their face.

I stood in front of them, realizing that it is Kendall. I couldn't help but smile just a little bit.

He peeked from behind the flowers with a huge grin on his face which made me smile wider.

"Kendall, what are you doing?" I asked looking at him. Some people started gathering around us.

"Trying to get my baby back." He said handing the flowers to someone else to hold.

He walked in front of me staring down on me.

"Baby, I missed you so much. You just don't even know. Ive can't sleep right without knowing imma see you. I can't learn, I can't walk, I can't live without you. You are my world. I can't live without you baby and I'm sorry that I hurt you. I didn't mean to. But baby please take me back." He said now on his knees begging.

"But -" He wrapped his arms around my legs.

"Baby please. Please take me back." I heard a few sniffles. I looked down and saw a few tears running down his face. I instantly felt bad. I didn't want to see him cry. I didn't I meant that much to him, that he would cry over me.

I leaned down and grabbed his face so he would look at me. He looked up at me with red eyes.

"Baby I love you, too. I'll take you back." I said. He stood up on his feet and swirled me around the air. Once he stopped, I wrapped my legs around his waist while grabbing his face and crashed my lips into his.

I heard people clapping. I broke the kiss and looked around and saw the crowd around us cheering and clapping.

I looked at Kendall and he had the biggest smile on his face.

"Baby, I missed ya so much." He said pecking my lips over and over. The bell rung to go to class, and he put down grabbing me hand pulling me down the hallway towards to class.

"Kendall?" I asked.

"Yes?" He said looking down at me.

"Where my flowers go?"

"I had Derek take them to your house." He said.

I nodded. For the rest of day, I was happy because I finally got my baby back.


Hey y'all. Its been a while I know, and I'm sorry. But here's the update for y'all. Sorry if it was boring but I tried my best.

Excuse the mistakes.

Love y'all

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