Chapter 13

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"Thanks again Marie for letting me get ready at your house. I really didn't want to see my mom for the rest of the day, after what she said." I said looking at my hands in my lap.

"No problem girl. Your my best friend. When ever you need me or anything like that, I'm here for you. You would do the same for me, so I could do it for you." She said curling the last peice of my hair.

"Okay, your all done." She said turning me around so I look at myself in the mirror. I gasped at the sight. My hair was on point. I have to say Marie did a good job on my hair.

I decided to change my hair up a little bit and die the ends blonde. And Marie died it and curled it for me. Addition to my hair, I also got my toes and fingers done. And Marie also did my makeup.

"OMGSH!! Thank you Marie. It's look wonderful. You did a good job." I said hugging her.

"Well you know how I do." She flipped her hair over her shoulder.

We laughed at her silliness. The doorbell rung downstairs.

"That's probably your boo. Better hurry up and get dressed while go open the door." She said walking out the room and closing the door behind her.

I slid on the my tight black body con dress. And red bottom heels to go with it. I looked at myself in the full length mirror and was impressed at what I saw.

I got my black clutch and put my phone and keys in it. Before I left out the room, I looked at myself again in the mirror and internally squeled and did a little dance.

I walked out the guess bedroom and down the hallway towards the living room where I could here Marie and Kendall voices. Once I stepped into their view their eyes were on me.

Marie had a smile on her face while Kendall was just staring at me like he seen a ghost.

"Well, ..How do I look?" I said turning around in a circle.

"Beautiful." Kendall said still staring at me. I smiled wide at his answer. He stood there staring at me a while until he was out of his trance.

"You ready to go?" He asked. I nodded.

He grabbed my hand and helped me walk towards the door. Even with these heels on Kendall was still way taller than me.

"Be back at 12. Don't have to much fun!" Marie yelled out her house door before she closed it behind her.

Kendall helped me into his car and closed the door behind me. He then jogged towards his side of the side and slid in. We both buckled up and we were on our way to... Hold up. I don't even know where we're going.


"Yes?" He answered looking over at me.

"Where are we going?"

"Just sit back and enjoy the ride. You'll see when we get there."

I sighed already knowing I shouldn't ask anymore questions cuz I know he won't tell me anything. So I just did what he said, I sat back and enjoyed the ride.



"Baby, wake up. We're here." I said, slightly shaking her shoulder.

She fluttered her eyes open and looked around. I held out my hand and she grabbed it. I helped her get out the car. We walked in the restraunt.

"Hello sir. How may I help you?"

"Fat" GirlDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora