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Many of you guys most likely heard from the media about the two shooting that both involved an African America male and a white police officer. They both was shot 4-6 times for no reason at all.

One, known as Alton Sherling, was selling CDs at a store, where the owner gave permission for him to sell them in front of the store. Alton was pinned on the ground for no reason at all and was shot because he was "reaching for his gun". If you have seen the video, this man did not reach for nothing nor was he even resisting the police officers that was on top of him.

The other male, also known as Philando Castile, was stopped by the police when the officer asked him to get his license and registration. While Mr.Castle was reaching for his wallet the officer shot him 4 times. His girlfriend and 4 year old daughter was accompanying him in the car during all of this. His daughter had to witness her father take his last breath over nothing at all. And his girlfriend had to witness the love of her life be murder in front of her and take a video during this. His girlfriend is a strong woman because she was so calm, in order to make sure that the police officer wouldn't try to shoot her or her daughter all while taking a video of it.

So as you can see, two African American fathers were both killed over nothing. I'm so sad that the our country has come to this because many, many, many African American males have been killed over nothing & because some white males are being spiteful. We are all losing fathers, brothers, uncles, grandfathers, and even friends over nothing. So please, try your best to stay safe.

That's all. Love you all. Stay safe.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2016 ⏰

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