34. I couldn't believe I found love !!

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Song : Common 

By : Zayn 

PS : I looovvvveeeeeee this songggggg (and ZAYN ;-p)

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Ayansh's POV :- 

I laid their all night cocooning my girl in my arms . I wanted sleep to come but it never does . For different reasons this time though . 

I couldn't believe I found love . 

After all this time , I actually found love . 

Who am I kidding ? I was destined to fall in love with her . 

Even though I kept fooling myself that I just couldn't entertain the idea of being in love , I wasn't able to help myself . 

It was impossible not to fall for her . 

I thought love can only hurt you , but if I'm being honest , I will get through any pain just to feel what I'm feeling right now . 

Giggles was right maybe , love does hurts you , but when you are actually into it , when you are actually into someone this deep . Then you won't mind being hurt , because it would all be worth it . You just need to be strong enough to never let that person go . To accept your faults , to accept your weaknesses . To accept being vulnerable . To trust that person with your insecurities , with your imperfections . To just stop caring about getting hurt , and give everything you can . Then maybe you won't have any regrets after all if everything will be over one day . Because.....because you gave what all you can . 

Being strong doesn't means protecting yourself from getting hurt , but in love being strong means not caring about getting hurt . Being strong doesn't means forgetting the person for making some mistakes , being strong actually means forgiving them for some mistakes and giving another chance . Being strong doesn't really means showing how strong you are , but in love being strong actually means , showing up your weaknesses , accepting your vulnerability , providing a glimpse of your imperfections to the person you're in love with and letting them tell you that it's okay to be weak . 

That's what being strong actually means . 

And Being strong in love was everything my parents lacked , and it would be everything I won't repeat . I will be strong . Strong enough to trust Giggles . Strong enough to be vulnerable in front of her . Strong enough to let her know what my past holds . 

I looked at her sleeping with one palm under her cheek and another holding my arm . Her lips slightly apart , and her breath fanning my arm . 

I sighed and moved closer to her , looking at her every feature so keenly . 

I don't know why every time I look at her , I feel like I fall for her again and again , and much harder than I'm already in love with her . 

Dude , you're so fucked . 

My inner voice told me . 

Nothing new . 

I was into deep shit the day I laid my eyes on her . 

I still remember when she was so offended by the idea of me hating Wuthering Heights .

'How can somebody hate that book ?' She nearly screamed that in my ears and I was shocked by her loud voice . 

Then the way she gave that speech about those protagonists , whatever their name were. 

I loved how she was so deep into books . I loved how she understood them like they were written by her . 

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