6. Saying goodbye .

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The next day when I told Ishaani about me , going to delhi for 6 months , well technically for ever now , she went crazy , like real wild , first from the shock , than from the sadness , and after all , when being told that she can join me there after her finals , than , from the joy..This girl am telling you....

The whole next week went like tornado , it just came and went  , well I feel now like it ended , but only I know what I've been through . Ishaani dragged me to all the possible malls located in navi mumbai for shopping buying all types of clothes and accessories for possible . We also video chatted with Aayushi so that she can give us her opinion , because as much as I love shopping , I want at least two people to advice me what should I buy and what not , before it has always been mumma for me and I always used to think how would I ever be able to shop someday without her , but than , she stopped going shopping , she rarely does nowadays , somewhat because of her responsibilities , and some because of her health 

When we asked Aayushi , she said she would love to join us - on a video chat- and it'll be like an online shopping trip for her . Both of them tried to make me buy the hottest dresses in some ways , but I gently and firmly denied it , I just knew they wanted to make fun of me . 

When Ishaani tried to make me get at least a dozen of summer dresses , and I said no , she again went crazy and started shouting like the world will end if I'll go to delhi without taking these much dresses with me . Honestly ! I just wanted to buy some new T shirt and button downs and jeans and track pants , and some new sweats as well , as it's still a bit cold in delhi . 

"C'mon dii at least buy 10 , these are on sale and you look kinda cute in them" She said whining.

"No ! Am not gonna buy any dresses , I don't even like to wear dresses , I just don't like them"

"Ayansh does" Aayushi's voice comes from the phone and I glare at her , saying her to stop. 

"To wear dresses ? Really ? u asking us to buy some for him too? see , dii at least buy them for ayansh jiju" Ishaani says and walks to the counter to pay for them and i roll my eyes at her . Sometimes this girl forgets she have a brain too . Aayushi is doubling over with laughter on the other side and me? well I am irritated as hell , but can't do anything about it now can I? After paying for those  10 dresses Ishaani starts to drag me to try on heels , Ohh No !!!

Well let me inform , The thing about us sisters is , we always like to shop for each other more than we like to shop for ourselves , is that really very weird ? I always found it really cute and loving , but right now , am just loathing every bit of it .

After trying at least 12 pair of heel , I selected , umm , uhn , nothing of them , Oh c'mon I hate heels , I never wore them besides one or two times in family functions . Seriously , I'll be of ayansh's height in them , as am already 5'8 . After begging for at least 5 trillion times , and aayushi reassuring Ishaani that every weekend she'll make me shop in delhi , and finally Ishaani herself would have felt tired -who even feels energetic after roaming in a mall from 1:pm to 9:pm - she finally decided to call it a day . Ohh God , Finally . 

Yep the whole week went like this , from me feeling all excited and packing stuffs to me feeling all sad that finally am leaving , without even a marriage , now this will be my home only for visiting . Well, I don't believe that . My home's gonna be my home forever , I grew up here for fuck's sake . I looked around my room to gather all the stuff-as much less as I can- to pack . I don't want this room to appear like it doesn't belongs to me when I come back . Am leaving all my books here too except for some  , as aayushi told me ayansh have a whole library built up there , still I'll  take some of mine . 

I have no idea what's happening but I am fighting with everything inside of me , to not cry . Sure I can't remind of good memories from here . Sure , I have so much bad of them . But , I can't help it .  May be am so used of being in this house , so much used of shouting for my mother for help , so much used of scolding Ishaani , and laughing with her , and shouting at her for stealing my things . So much used of  watching netflix with her till 6:am in the morning . So , much used of decorating things at festivals with my own hands . 

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