9. Personal hell of a nightmare.

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I stirred in my sleep and opened my eyes to see that I am some how back in the familiarity of my home , back in my room , like I used to wake up every morning , confused and a bit happy to be back , I stood from my bed and walked out of my room , to find , mumma or Ishaani as her door is just 2 rooms away from me , I opened her door ajar , but she wasn't on her bed , I went further inside her room and her room looked untouched-which is impossible as her room's always even messier than all the food mixed up in our stomach , okay , even I cringed internally at that description .  I took a look at her Captain America's watch which hung on the wall front of her bed , and saw that it's just 5 in the morning .

Where did she go to this early ? And the main question is why am I up this early ?

I decided to go to my mother's room as it is still 5 in the morning and am pretty sure she must be still sleeping in. 

I went to her , and her room was too perfectly still made , as it was always had been . But she wasn't there too , without thinking more , I made a beeline for the stairs , and walked downstairs to find them , as I walked through the dining room I realized that the house was perfectly still , no noise from any of the house-workers , nothing , just pin-drop silence , I was starting to get pretty much anxious at this time , and instead of walking I was running around the house to find anyone , but nobody was here .  I looked through the kitchen , nobody . 

I went  outside with the hope of finding them into the garden , but nobody was in the house , I was just looking around with a hope of finding anybody , but there was no one and I was pretty much sure about it yet I didn't stop running around the house , as a long past memory came back rushing to my mind , I was never used to being alone , I never was until today , and it is scarring the fuck out of me . My mind is jumping to conclusions , and my stomach was churning at the mere thought of those long lost memories walking back inside my brain . I was getting a very sick feeling that something so much worse is about to happen , something that had happened years before . 

As I was passing again through the way of the living room I passed by a wash-basin , and I halted and turned to look at myself in the mirror and I jumped at my image , when I looked at myself in the mirror my image was no where of a 23 years old isha , It was close to a 6 years old girl . 

A 6 years old girl , about which I have forgotten long ago , at least I tried to forgot , and I thought I did , but just now I came to the realization that , I never did forget about her , I just burried her image in an unreachable corner of my mind , I was disgusted even by her face , I never wanted to look at her , her image was giving me a feeling of panic crawling my skin . I bowed my head down , and my whole body was of a 23 year old me , and when I looked again in the mirror , now the mirror showed the image of the real me , but that 6 year old girl who was first in the mirror now I saw her image standing at the back of the room looking at me with terror filled eyes . 

I wanted to kill that girl , I wanted to just make her disappear , I hated her .

I hated the 6 year old ME. 

She turned around and started to walk in the direction of the living room , the living room was joined with my father's little office here , and horror filled all of my senses as I stared at her back walking into that direction . 

"STOP!" I shouted at her , she had to stop , she can't go in there , not again , I can't let this happen again , I had to stop her . 

Her  body , abruptly came to a halt , and she turned around with curiosity filled eyes . I started to walk in that direction to let her walk away from that room , I can't let her go , I can't let this happen to her again.

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