19. Holi Party !!

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I stood there dazed and my fingers automatically reached to touch my lips . Ohh My.... First time a guy ever pressed his lips on mine . And it felt soo soo soo good that I was craving for more . Now that he's gone I finally have the mind to process what happened . I asked him for kissing me , ACTUALLY kissing me . Gosh ! what would he think of me now? He denied !!! .. He must be thinking I am some horny girl craving for his touch . Well it's not totally wrong though . Not the last part at least . Hadn't he liked it?  Of course not !! Why would he? He'd been with so many girls and I couldn't give him just more then some pecks . But I asked him to kiss me . He said No . Urghhh . 

I snapped out of my insecure thoughts when I heard some sounds from the Pooja room . I made my way to their to see what's going on but then I halted in my steps just outside the door when I heard two familiar voices . 

"You look different , changed" Amaan was saying .

"Well , maybe that;s because I am changed" Aayushi said in harsh voice . 


God , am eves dropping . I should probably go . 

I was just turning around to leave , but then what Amaan said stopped me from moving ,

"Yeah . Perhaps , good thing you had to change yourself to move on . Guess wasn't able to find a guy who'll like you like I used to . For who you really are."  He said with some bitterness in his voice .

What the hell? 

Amaan and Aayushi were a thing? 

She never told me . Nor Amaan did . 

Do he seriously consider me his best friend . ?

I have a right to know . I don't care if I am eves dropping anymore . I told him deepest and darkest secrets of my life and he couldn't even care to share to me about this part of life .

"Well , it's so nice to listen to you saying yourself that you'LIKED' me" Aayushi snapped back . I can picture finger quotations with the way she said 'liked' . 

"You don't know anything" Amaan roared .

"Well I don't want to know anything . Nor do I want to do anything with you . Just stay away from me or you gonna regret it Khurana . Mark.My.Words ."

"Listen Yushi , I know I hurt you but, -"

"Ha! Excuse me ? Don't you dare call me with that name , you've lost all the rights to call me that . And I'm sorry? Hurt me? Do I look like you hurt me? More over , Do I look like I give two shits?" she bit back and this time Amaan remained silent for some minutes. I've never seen Aayushi in this kind of a mood before .

"So what huh? What do you want me to do? Stay away from you? And let you whore around all over in Delhi . No thanks I'll pass" He said and even I flinched at his tone .

"How dare you to say those words to me Amaan ? You have no right to accuse me of something you have no single idea about you mother fucker . And I'll whore around all over in India if I'll want to and you won't say a single word to me about that . Got it?  Because I've heard all your stories dipping your dick in any human you found with a vagina" she said calmly . And surprisingly Amaan didn't say anything too. 

"Yushi-" he started but he was cut off.

"Don't call me that dammit you can't . YOU JUST CAN'T .  GET THE FUCK LOST FROM HERE . GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME !!! I DON'T WANNA SEE YOUR FACE" She started shouting and even sobbing . 

Ohh God the situation looks so bad . Aayushi sounds so hurt . 

What in the hell has Amaan did ? 

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