🌪Mad Haze🌪

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   The door opened with my Grandfather behind it, "Scarlet, my dear, come give me a hug."

   I ran up to my Grandfather with a huge smile and gave him a tight embrace. Behind me I heard my Mother scoff and whisper something to my Father. I straightened up and bowed to my Grandfather, with the cold expression back on my face. He looked back at me with a sad expression for my sudden change.

   "Why do you still use that silly nickname, (Y/N)?" My Mother asked.

   "My grandson is away, and there is no time for questions." My Grandfather said.

   He led me out of the house and to a car. One of our drivers was waiting in the front seat.

   "My flower, how are you?"

   "Good...like actually good and no lies."

   "I could tell, you're different. More open and happy."

   "Thank you, and I think I know why."

   "Good, my child. Hold onto it and never let it go."

   Being reminded about Hisoka, I texted him about my mission and turned my phone off to gaze out the window.

    If my Grandfather wasn't here, I don't think I would have survived when I was younger. He kept me sane and controlled. He taught me how to be open to someone after being so closed off for years. He knew everything about me, he was my best friend.

   Anthony and him were the only family members to use the name Scarlet. Anthony didn't know the reason why I preferred the name, and thought it was because he came up with it. Though that is partly the reason, Scarlet gave me my freedom.

   When I used the name (Y/N), I was someone different. She was quiet and controlled. Shrugged aside and hidden from everyone. She was the person who her parents raised with their cold expressions and blank tones. Who was taught that their child was nothing but a profit for them. To use her power at a young age for their own benefit. They locked her up like an animal. Like a petting zoo, she was there just to look at. To bring in money and entertainment. Only letting her out of the cage when she was doing something for them. Given so much, but received no recognition or anything in return, because it was expected for her to obey.

   Scarlet was the girl who was raised by her Grandfather. Who was shown love, and had someone who actually cared for her. She didn't have to hide herself from anyone, and made herself known when she was fully comfortable. She dressed how she wanted, talked how she wanted, and did whatever she wanted. She stood up for herself and didn't cower in fear in the presence of her parents. Grandfather gave me hope that I was justified for a better life. I had a place in this world and someone to love me the way I deserved to be loved. And he wanted to see it.

   The driver pulled us up in a location where we would make a car change. We all hopped into a jeep, where I told Grandfather about all my adventures and even some new people I'd met. But before I was able to tell him about Hisoka, we arrived a few miles from the base. We set up camp far from where the location that Anthony was being held.

   We had to act fast, since every minute in there could potentially be a minute closer to Anthony's death. The base was lined with gray tents, almost 20 were placed. There were people bustling and yelling about who knows what. In one of those tents was my little brother. The plan was to use our nen powers to the full extent.  Grandfather's power was a poisonous and complex wind of gases from flowers. The deception of sweet but sour intent of the air striking anyone he chose, to fall. His nen would release a flower and each flower did something different. If he spawn a pink flower, it would turn everyone blind. If it was red their blood would boil, and if it was blue they would suffocate. The flowers would release a gas in the air, and since grandfather was very skilled, he was able to aim towards who he was targeting. So, if I was present in the gas, I wouldn't be harmed.

   My Grandfather and I made our way to the base, the trail of dust following our path as we walked. It was guarded by rows of military men, AK-47's raised.  Their stature was meant to be intimidating with their sunglasses hiding their glare and lips smirked.

   Grandfather lifted his hand and below it spawned a purple lily.  The purple lily sprung up from the ground and released a scent that was enticing but paralyzed who ever was doomed in its presence.  Simultaneously, all men dropped to the floor, their hands crawling and scratching their faces. Blood trailed their faces as their legs lost all feeling first. As the venom went up their body, there would be full paralyzation. They all screamed that the burn in their eyes was too much to bare and to just kill them on the spot. Only thing I could say was,

   "It's more fun to watch the show."

   When we finally made it into the base, the second phase started.

   Grandfather once again lifted his hand and spawn in the lucky flower. It was called that, because you would be lucky if you lasted a minute after the gas was released. It was a tannish yellow that released a toxic, flammable gas. After letting it spread through the air for a couple of seconds, I coated both Grandfather and I in my nen, protecting us from what I was about to unleash.

   Both my arms raised and the ring of fire I set around the base, soon lifted into the air, encasing the area in a cage of fire.

   Red filled my head through the flames and embers. The warmth was beautiful. The charcoal fabric from the tents was lovely. Something about the scene was so enticing.

   Grandfather interrupted me by nudging on my shoulder, the mad haze I was in, dissipated. Everything was gone except for one small tornado of fire in the center. The fire disintegrated and Anthony was in the middle.

   "Scarlet!" Anthony sprinted towards me and tackled me on the ground.

   "Hey, whats up, loser?"

   "Did you see the fire spinning tornado thing I did!!!"

   "Yup. It was cool."

   "It's my new nen technique I'm working on. Wind control."

   "When we get back home you have to show me it"

   "Yeah but first i'm hungry. They gave me only water and gross nutrition bars."

   "The nerve" I rolled my eyes.  At least they gave him food. I'm assuming no pain was inflicted on him during his kidnapping since he was a child. And no one can hurt a "little boy."

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