📕Phantom Troupe📕

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   The mesh black turtleneck, suffocated me, with its tight collar. But I can't complain, it looked great with the black baggy jeans and my white, high top air forces. I sat with my legs crossed on the couch. Some random channel was playing in the background while I scrolled through my phone, catching up on emails and responding to my Mothers belligerent text messages.

   "Hey, Hisoka?" I called out to the kitchen, "How long do you think we are staying at Chrollos?"

   The Clown was in a grumpy mood, having to go to the meeting, as it was a waste of his precious time.

   "Could be an hour or a week." He called back,"It really sucks"

    "Why? Shouldn't you be enjoying it because your dream-enemy is there?" I said, referring to Chrollo.

   He walked into the room, "I wont get to fuck you for a whole week~"

   "Who said that?" I smiled.

   "The whole troupe is there, love"

   "I thought you would like a challenge?" I stuck my tongue out.

   His eyes widened, "Your not wrong~"

   He grabbed my hand and helped me up. The Joker then swept me in kisses while giggles flew around him. His fingers fiddled with the lettuce trim of my top.

   "Wow~ this really will be a challenge." He said while his eyes were examining my shirt. He glanced at my black bra out in the open, my upper chest only concealed by mesh.


   My phone buzzed, and I got a text from Chrollo stating that the car was here.

   "Come on, Clown" I grabbed his hand and hulled him out of the room.

   The drive wasn't that long, but since we left later in the day, by the time we got there the speckles of light were covering the sky along with grey clouds. The base was in an abandoned building surrounded by other forgotten places around it. We entered into the base and saw the troupe conversing amongst each other, some playing cards, arm wrestling, or just taking a nap on a nearby shoulder or rock. I threw my hands up and shouted while smiling,

   "Guess who's here~"

   "Scarlet!" The group members said in almost perfect unison. Chrollo, who was sitting, and reading a book, looked up and gave me a little wave.

   They all shifted towards me, almost circling. Hisoka, who trailed in after me, slung his arm around my shoulder and looked to the ground in a bored expression.

   Immediately, Feitian and a few others had a disgusted look on their face. They began to ask questions on how I was, comments on how much I changed, and managed to slip in some comments of why Hisoka was acting buddy-buddy with me. The voices and comments began to side track to some personal questions and frankly, I got a bit uncomfortable and overwhelmed from all the eyes and voices directed to me.

   I clapped my hands two times to get everyone's attention, they responded with their silence and direct looks.

   "There's two hours till your mission tonight. There will be time for catching up, after I go over and confirm some things with Chrollo. I will of course talk to you all very shortly, don't worry." I shot them a reassuring smile.

   Hisoka's head came up from his previous glance towards the floor, and darted his eyes towards Chrollo. He wanted to make sure he was looking, he took my chin and kissed me in front of everyone. When he parted from me, I flicked him in the forehead and said,

   "Oi! I'm working, dummy"

   He replied with a quick "Hmph" and found a window sill to perch on.

   When I started to walk away towards the leader of the phantom troupe, I heard Machi proudly exclaim to the others,

   "I told you so! And you all didn't believe me!"

   "Hey, Lucy"

   "Scarlet..." He crossed his arms "What the fuck was that?"

   "When I told you I knew him, I didn't tell you how well I knew him" I gave him an innocent look.

   Chrollo remained seated and flip through the pages of his book, "Gross"

   "I'm not going to disagree." I said and laughed. Chroll responded with a small chuckle. I sat next to him and skimmed the page he was reading,

   "Another book about philosophical theories?"

   "Yup, you should read some, it helps you think."

   "I used to read some theories when I was breaking out from my family, I think you remember that time...." He nodded his head. " But I don't really want to question my existence when I'm already so screwed up in the head."

   "We all are, and that's what makes us family." He ruffled my hair.

   "Mhm, anyways....anything different with the mission that I should know of?"

   "Not that I know of" Chrollo talked while reading, his focus was impenetrable and it seems like he was engrossed in his pages. I decided to walk away and down the platform from where he was reading. I made my way over to Machi, but Feitian approach and stopped me,

   "Hey, Scarlet" He stood with his hands in his pockets.


   He looked me up and down. "You have grown..."

   "Uh....thanks? I'll take that as a complement"

   Machi appeared behind me and said, "What he's trying to say," She gestured her hand to all of me. "You got a body now, girl." Nobunga nodded along with a few other male members of the group.

   My hand rubbed the back of my neck, "Uh, thanks? I don't really remember what I looked like before when my parents basically had control over my whole life."

   "Your outfits are more expressive in a good way." Pakunoda said with a nonchalant face.

   "Awww thank you. Your outfit is....." My eyes skimmed down to her....exposed chest. I looked at Machi and she had her eyes closed with a smug grin on her face, and nodded in retaliation to my discovery. "Really cute!"

    Chrollo whistled with two fingers placed in his mouth. He stood with his book in his right hand, saving his page.

   "Time to go"

Follow me for updates on when new chapters show up (had my phone broken so couldn't post for the longest time)

Make sure to eat,drink, and relax


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