🌲The Lost Screams🌲

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   " (Y/N), welcome back"

   Mother stood in front of the wide wooden doors. Her hands were holding on to each other, resting on her stomach. No matter how many times she could practice her smile in the mirror to get a naturally friendly look, she could never get the eyes right. Her eyes would always be full of greed.

   Our house was hidden, as most assassin families were. We had no gates or fences lined with barbed wire, and no hidden passages. To anyone's concern; this place has never existed before.  The wooden mansion was hidden by miles and miles of trees. The evergreen was so thick that if you even took a step into the forest you would be lost immediately. The forest was called: The Lost Screams. No matter where you are in the forest or even if you are at the entrance of it; the only thing you can hear is wailing. People begging for help, to be saved. As a kid, I was taught to ignore it, my Father would tell me, Only the strongest deserve to make it out alive.

   The minute I could walk, I was left alone in the forest. That night, the gray moon and tall trees trapped me. Every place I went my ears were surrounded by screams and I felt stuck in my own fears swallowing me up. So I ran and never stopped. Then something tripped me, and I fell to the ground. I turned over and looked at the sky. The trees started to grow and covered the only light I saw. I had to escape before the trees trapped me into this death ridden place. Until after what felt like hours, I never got anywhere. Everything looked the same. All I could make out was that every tree was exactly like the others, nothing was different. It was like I hadn't even moved. And no matter how many times I ran away, it was all the identical.

   My body filled with panic and I broke. Screaming, I used all the stress and fear inside of me to boil me over the edge. My body burst into flames, and every tree that was near me burned. My eyes only saw flames, and now everywhere I looked there was light and no more darkness.  I walked and the trees all started to fall beneath my feet. To bow down, and admit their inability to face me. Before I could burn the whole forest down, my Grandfather and Father appeared in front of me.

   "Oh, my child"  My Grandfather said and he came close to me. My flames depleted and he took me into a hug.

   "Brilliant. And so young too, this is perfect for me" My Father stood and folded his arms with a grin on his face.

   After the incident, I was to be trained to use my nen in a controlled manner by my Grandfather. Those were the best years of my life. My grandfather took me away to a secluded training place, where everything around it was pure stone because my nen was still heavily affected by my emotions. After the long day of training, he would take me to town and show me the world. He taught me how to read people's faces and be kind. He showed me beauty in the world after being shown dullness in my home. Every morning we would have breakfast together and look out into the trees turning different colors of red, orange, and yellow. Before the day I had to go home we went to town as usual, bought food and candy. Then he told me he had a surprise to show me. We sat near a crowd of people waiting for some type of event to start. Then I heard an explosion, and hid my face in my grandfather's chest.

   "Look" He pointed at the sky.

   Ranges of vibrancy appeared in front of us, coloring the sky. Fireworks exploded releasing sparkles of light. It was beautiful. The explosions at first made me wince in fear but then I got comfortable and was about to be enhanced in the show. My mind couldn't think of anything else while the event was happening. The reflection in my eye was full of the colors of the rainbow. I would remember that memory forever, and carry it with me in my darkest times. That night taught me how to not be afraid.

   And open my eyes to the light.

   The day I had to go home was a nightmare I was dreading.  As soon as I was back, Father forced me to go on numerous missions. At first it was just basic destruction of arsonal. And when I got older, it was more deadly. The more experiences I had, the more I drifted away from reality. Only to return when he deemed I wasn't good enough and locked away for days. No one was allowed to see me if I made the littlest mistake. I had to follow every word he used exactly, if I didn't I would be tortured. Punished for the simplest crimes.

   When your morals are gone to show you are good enough, you're willing to kill anything and anyone for a dime. Something to bring at the family dinner table. I was only worth the money I made for the (L/N). The only attention I ever got was when profit came from me.
I was nothing but a tool for my Father and Mother. Something used to make their status better or make them more wealthy. Only purpose I had was to listen to them. They taught me that I was never good enough and not even worth believing in. Nothing but an item.

   My face was blank when I followed my Mother into the house. The house was very minimalistic and modern on the inside. White lilies and roses were left in vases all around the house. The white couch and furniture was to give off a "pure" look. Because in this house, there is no pure. We needed to give the impression of something this family wasn't. We were only contaminated lies and greed.

   "Father." I bowed to my Father who sat on the couch in the living room.

   "(Y/N). Grandfather is coming to pick you up soon. Anthony was retrieving documents and was captured." He let out a heavy sigh.

   "May I sit?" I asked. My Father nodded. "Can I ask what documents?"

   "It was asked for by an individual."

   "Yes, sir" I recognized his voice was stern, and could tell he wasn't happy with the situation. Not upset about this son being captured of course but because the mission was compromised and he could potentially lose a client. So, I didn't want to push him further.

   My Mother stood behind my Father, and started to massage his shoulders, "(Y/N), your Father is getting tired of this life, when are you going to come home and help our family?"

   "I'm sorry, but I still have a lot of experience I must learn."

   She walked over to me and slapped me across the face, "Selfish Child. Can't you see your father's in distress, he taught you everything."

   "I'm sorry Mother, I will do better." I said with my head held down.

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