🥞Getting Comfortable🥞

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   Gray halls. Colorless trills. The numbness. The dream that's so deadly and inescapable. But something was warming me, brightening my view; instead of the normal cold. The butterflies and leaves, circling around me, like they had once before in this recurring nightmare. They swarmed around, threatening their prey. The same hand that pierced through the wall before, appeared again. But this time I accepted the hand. I trusted it. My hope connecting to that palm. Ripped through the impenetrable barrier, I was able to open my eyes and was granted the privilege to see everything clearly and vivid. The one who would accept my mistakes because he has made so many of the same. Uplift each other, with every crazy decision we would make. The future we could have or take, spilling blood wherever we wanted to. That we were more complicated before and now more insane together. To both of us, we would bring out each other's best, and what some people think is worst, qualities. Our bloodthirst and murderous desires complied with someone who equally enjoys it. That was the Clown. Hisoka accepted me without hesitation. He put his trust and joys into me because he knew I was the only one who understood. With him, we knew what the other wanted, longed for, and deserved.

   Waking up with someone hugging you from behind is a contrast to how I normally wake up . I've had flings before, and flirts, but I could care less for them at the time. Stretching out of bed, I headed for Hisoka's closet. After he ripped my clothes from the night before, it was reasonable to borrow something of his.

   "Good morning Scarlet~" The magician said, his eyes crawling all over my naked body.

   "Hey Clown, got anything planned today?"

   "Finding new toys, to partake in the enjoyable act of crushing their spirits" Hisoka said with his hand holding his head up.

   "You're so kind~" Scrumming through his wardrobe, I found a black hoodie and with a quick call to room service, I ordered two sets of dangling earrings, other types of clothes, and some strawberry pancakes.

   The Joker answered the door for room service that arrived with breakfast and while Hisoka was eating, I hopped in the shower. It was a quick one, with ice cold water to wake up. It's been more than a week since I've been properly trained and I would like to start as soon as possible. The earrings I had ordered were gold dangles, with lines of beading that ended with a heart. I placed those on, with fishnet stockings, a fresh new set of underwear and a matching bra; completed with Hisoka's hoodie. The hoodie fitted me like a dress, His scent still lingering on it, fresh vanilla. Walking out the bathroom, I held the other set of earrings in front of Hisoka, who was eating at the kitchen island,

   "For you" I smiled. Giving gifts is more satisfying than receiving them. Seeing the person's reaction to the present made me really happy, happier than any other gift that I was given.

   "There just like yours~" Hisoka leaped and pulled me into a hug, placing me onto his lap. We both ate the breakfast that I had ordered, delicious was an understatement.

   "So I think I should go back to my apartment later and pick up a few things, I'll probably be back tomorrow morning." I said with a pile of whipped cream placed on my fork, headed for my mouth.

   "But i'll miss you too much~"

   "You're so needy" I chuckled. "I guess i'll just go shopping"

   "Yay" He said, smiling widely.

   After breakfast Hisoka decided to wear a laid-back outfit, compared to his normal getup. His usual gravity defying hair was down, and on his face he still wore his signature star and tear but no colors, just black print. He wore black cargo pants with a wallet chain connected off the side of his hip. On top he wore a black graphic crewneck sweatshirt, with a joker card printed in the middle, riddled with colors. He walked with white combat boots, the laces undone and flying everywhere. He finished off the look with the matching set of earrings I bought for him. Using my shoes that I brought with me, I intertwined my fingers with Hisokas and headed towards a bunch of stores. I expected the Clown to be impatient and annoyed but instead was comfortable dealing with the hours of shopping. Even buying some outfits and shoes for himself. During our time in the stores, I learned he knew a lot about style and cared enough to give it a second thought. He told me that growing up poor he never got the chance to experience choosing his own clothes, rather just accepted what he got. Whenever he bought items he would remist how fortunate and grateful he was. The more he unraveled a whole new layer to him, the more I fell in love. We talked about our past and how different but similar it was. Though I was brought up with fortune and a household name, our hardships were the same. Beaten, bruised, lied too; we both had insite of what we had both experienced.

   Finally finished with everything I needed, we headed back to the jesters room. The sun had already gone from the sky. By that time it was nine, late at night. Bringing some clothes with me to the bathroom, I changed into a black Adidas sports bra, same-color biker shorts, and all white sneakers.

   "I'm going to workout, wanna come? I said to Hisoka, who was unpacking his new clothes into the closet.

   "Someone I know has just arrived, I want to go watch their fights" He said with bloodlust protruding out of him.

   "Okay Clown"

   "Do me a favor dear~ anyone who stares at that captivating figure, kill them for me~"

   "Maybe, unless they are attractive~"

   Hisoka started to get angry with jealousy, tempted to change his mind and accompany me to the gym.

   "Im kidding!" Laughing at his quick reaction, I started to walk away to the door. Hisoka pulled me back,

   "You're forgetting something, Scarlet~" He pulled me into a kiss, filled with intensity. Smirking at him, I gave him a little wave and headed to train.

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