🧯The End of the Hunter's Exam🧯

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   The oxygen finally hit my lungs when Killua killed Leorio's opponent, Bodoro. The thrust of Killua's sharp nails into Bodoro's back, made the delusion disappear. Covered in blood he left the building walking off with no regrets. His face was cold-hearted, not aware of anything besides death. The exhausting exam was finally over. The eliminated contestant meant the remaining, had passed the hunter's exam. But instead of feeling satisfied and happy, the mood in the room made us all feel uneasy and ungratified. The examiners lead us to a room, congratulating us about our new achievement. The room had rows of seats, and a staircase leading down to a giant blackboard. I sat in the top row with Hisoka to my left and Illumi on my right, fully awake from my nightmare of memories. Flashbacks of the acts of pain and worst things that could have ever been done to a child, was normal to my family and other assassins; but still scarring. But after years, I learned to master the torment and use it in my advantage. Numbing the agony I went through, helped me develop my nen powers. Flames fueled by my ache and throbs. Reminders that rip through enemies with my heated blade. Still, I flicked Illumi in the forehead,

   "Baka! Killua's not dumb, let him make his own decisons!" Hisoka let out a chuckle at the motion. Illumi didn't respond, only scoffed.

   With a slam opening of the large doors, Gon came blasting into the room, all eyes on him. He had an aggressive look on his face but walked down the stairs composed. When he finally reached his target, he grabbed Illumi by the arm, breaking it. Gon demanded an apology on Killua's behalf, claiming the older brother hypnotised him. Illumi denied, and the whole room discussed the fairness of Killua's disqualification. Leorio stated he should be the one disqualified, since it was his match. Kurapika shouted the personality of Killua, and how unresponsive he was. Hisoka and I remained silent, watching the scene unfold. Sometimes looking at each other when something surprising or stupid was said. Hanzo spoke up, not to defend but wanting to finish the lecture. Shouting again, Gon reprimanded the talk of something that has already passed, and ended the conversation. After Gon's request, Illumi gave the hero an address to where Killua was, Kukuroo Mountain. Finally, we finished the orientation, and received our Hunter's licenses. We all gathered in the courtyard, and I stood with my group of friends and talked about what to do next,

   "We have to save Killua!" Gon said, determined.  Kurapika and Leorio nodded in agreement.

   "Gon...im sorry but I can't come. If I went without an invitation, I would be punished by my family."

   "Why would you be punished?" Kurapika questioned.

   "My family is as.....different as Killua's. We work with the Zoldyck family, and if I potentially ruined that relationship, I would be disciplined."

   "You're an assassin?!" Leorio said, shocked.

   "Yes. Gon, I know how determined you can be, so I can only warn you. The assassin custom is based on power, never mercy. If you don't have a strong willpower, you will never have a chance. But I know how strong you all are, you can definitely do this." They all smiled and felt empowered.

   We all exchanged numbers, promising to keep in touch. The friends I met during the exam, will share a unique and organic bond with me, not understandable to others. Reminiscing on the experience I will forever remember, I hugged them all one by one, wishing them luck on their adventure. I walked away saying goodbye for now, and blowing them all a kiss. Remembering the reason why I attended the exam, I went to call my father.


   "Hello Father, I passed the exam."

   "I'm very proud of you, and as you requested, the option to work with others is now granted. Please let me know when you want to start working again."

   "Thank you Father, I'm going to take a little time off. But Chrollo requested me for a mission in September, so I can start working after that. How's mom? And Anthony's training?"

   "Mom is proud of your intuitive spirit for going against her opinions on taking the exam. She does want you to come home soon, there's plenty of work to be done. Anthony is struggling with combat skills but is developing his nen ability rapidly."

   "Great. Tell Anthony I'm delighted with his progress. And i'll call mom soon and fill her in on everything. I'm surprised she didn't call me every minute I was away. Please tell Grandfather that I miss him greatly. Anyways, I have to go, Bye!"

   Hanging up the phone I spotted the magician who had his arms crossed, and was leaning against a wide green marble pillar; waiting for me to be done with my conversations.

   "So I'm not working for a while~ and I'm going to be pretty bored"


   "And no one to spend my time with me~"

   "Oh dear~" Hisoka rolled his eyes at me, stifling a laugh.

   "I wonder~ maybe i'll invite Leorio with me~" That suggestion caught his attention, and he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me close to him. His golden eyes looking into my (e/c) eyes, his lips slightly parted,

   "What a tease♡~"  He pulled me into an emotion packed kiss, that was filled with a sense of relief that he was the one who could put his arms around me in this way, without being killed. I gladly accepted and tussled his hair. He pulled back slightly and said,

   "Somewhere entertaining? I think I know a place~"

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