🎃The Devil's Laugh🎃

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Machi and I strolled to Heavens Arena. It was a peaceful walk, us holding hands and looking at every twinkling star in the sky. When we arrived, she walked me to Hisoka's room. Opening the door, Hisoka was seated in a white leather armchair. He wore a red hoodie with grey sweatpants, hair down, and face bare. The Clown was waiting in the living room, his arms folded.

"Machi, you promised me you would have her home back at 10PM" Hisoka furrowed his brow.

"Nah'' Machi dragged me over to the couch. I crossed legs, while Machi made herself at home by layings her whole body on the couch. As I flipped through channels, Machi rested her legs on me and closed her eyes. Hisoka peaked his head to look at the scene before him and was confused. He had already assumed the uninvited guest would have left by now. He wasn't angry, if he was, he would have kicked her out as soon as she walked in, but it was fascinating to see this undiscovered side of Machi when she was with Scarlet.

"Want something to eat?" The magician patted my head from behind the couch.

"Yeah" I grabbed his collar and crashed our lips together.

When we separated, Hisoka angrily muttered, "Machi..your such a cock block"

Machi, eyes still closed, "I do what I can"

Machi giggled under her breath, while Hisoka moved in front of me. His arm reached out and pushed Machi's legs off my crossed legs. Disturbing her, Machi opened her eyes and scowled at him. He gently lifted me up and sat where I was before. He then pulled me down for me to sit on him. After we were both situated, I pulled Machi's legs back to rest on me.

The Jester tried to put on a movie for the both of us, but by the time he had finally picked one, I was fast asleep.

By the morning, Machi had left the apartment and left a text saying Chrollo requested me 🥱See you at the meeting, love you♡.

Hisoka and I fell asleep on the couch, his body rested on top of mine. My arms were wrapped around his back, his face burrowed into my chest.

1 text from Gon😇: I have a fight soon, and I really would want you to come!!!

Scarlet: Of course, Angel

Gon😇:It's in an hour, gtg! Sensei is making me warmup!

"Hey Clown~" I started to press kisses on his forehead and down his face. The magician let out a little hum,

"I wish you would wake me up like this more often." He jumped off me, and I started to follow him. But then I realised after all night of him laying on me, my legs were completely numb. I tumbled and he swooped behind and caught me. When I looked at my savior his face was a little worried,

"My legs are asleep, haha." His face filled with relief, and scooped me up to place me on the bed.

"My favorite toy is fighting later~"

"Gon?" I asked while stretching my legs.

"Yes, I want to see how much he has improved."

"When has Gon not been impressive?"

Hisoka nodded in agreement and some amusement, "So, dear. Me or Machi?"

"Oh my gosh, look at the time!" I looked at my blank wrist, acting like I was examining my non-existing watch. "Oh the fight starts soon! I have to get ready!" I scurried away to the closet.

"You're so mean" He walked away to the bathroom laughing.

The closet was very organized, surprising from Hisoka. At first glance, the Joker looks like he loved disorder and craziness. But everything in the wardrobe was organized. There were separate sections for long sleeves, crop tops, sweatshirts, shirts, and even his sweatpants were hung. To my surprise, all my clothes were hung up and organized also. It was sweet of him to do this little thing for me. It was thoughtful of him to spend yesterday making the apartment a little homey for me, rather than preying on other contestants like I would expect him to do. My arm reached out to the hanged black pencil skirt and to the black triangle style bralette. My clothes from yesterday fell to the floor as I replaced them with fresh cloth. Grabbing the gold earrings that matched with Hisokas', I left the location and walked to the bathroom where he was. The bathroom had two sinks lined with white marble and a mirror that covered above it. The Jester was done with his face and moved on to his hair. I stood to the right of him and started to brush my teeth and wash my face. Brushing my hair, I felt an arm reach over to my waist and push me in a left motion. It abandoned my waist and reached for my hand. He then twirled and dipped me.

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