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   ''Uvogin got kidnapped'' Machi said with no expression on her face, as she walked through the entrance of the hideout.

   ''By who?'' Chrollo said.

   "The Chain user"

   "Um, what?" Chrollo said, baffled.

   "We know the location." Shizuku mentioned.

   "I'm still so confused. Who would have enough power to overthrow and kidnap Uvogin? Also with all of you there?"

   "Beats me," Machi said, yawning.

   Chrollo rolled his eyes.

   "Wait, so we know the location?" I said. I was still sitting on the window, fiddling with my fingers.

   "Yes, they're holding him in a maximum prison," Shizuku stated while pushing up her glasses.

   I turned my body towards them, and saw the tied up nen user in Machi's hold, "Machi, don't you know it's rude to not introduce us to your guest?"

   Hopping off the ledge, I walked menacingly towards them. I brushed my shoulder against his, nudging him like a cat, "Owl, right?"

   His brow dropped a bead of sweat down his face.

   "You're going to be so fun to play with." My smile was magnetic to everyone in the room. It had been so long since I was able to rip the skin off of an enemy. It was going to be so lovely.

   Feitan raised a brow, "I am the one who was going to torture him."

   "Feitan..." I put my hand on his shoulder, and whispered sensually into his ear, "Let me have some fun"

   He looked away, and under his mask of a controlled expression, he was burning up inside; "You are free to join me, Scarlet." He walked away with Machi, to the next spare room.

   Chrollo grazed his lips with his knuckles in thought, "Scarlet, we need to come up with a plan."

   'I know, I know... but you know I can't think clearly if I already have bloodlust on the brain," I said with a blameless smile.

   I walked after Machi and Fetitian, and shut the door behind us when we entered the gray, cold room. There was already a wooden chair that had a rotten smell from the last victim. Machi tied Owl to the chair and left the room. When I looked over at her, you could tell that today's stressors had gotten to her. Maybe only I could tell because I knew her for so long, but I knew better to ask how she was because there was company all around us.

   "Alright Feitan, care to start us off?"

   Feitan nodded and asked, "Where first?"

   "Fingers." I replied with darting eyes and a small smile. The best beginner's torture is pain from a focused, small body part that the body has been attacted to for years. When the body notices it's gone, the once covered flesh shrivels out in pain from the new exposure to the pursuing elements.

   "A woman after my own heart."

   Feitan knelt and grabbed Owl's hand, and asked Owl, "Where?"

   Owl remained silent.

   Feitan took one of his knives hidden by his trench coat. He used the blade to slide under the fingernail, and dug it deep enough to cause an immediate scream.

   "So why are we doing this?" I asked remembering there was a reason for this torture.

   "Scarlet, are you telling me you just blindly followed me here?" Feitan asked while pushing the knife deeper.

   "Listen, I don't ask any questions." I said with a shrug.

   "He has the merchandise." Owl filled the room with petrifying screams, begging to stop.

   I crossed my arms and looked at Owl with an unsympathetic face, "We haven't even gotten to the good part." The finger nail popped off, and made a sound when it hit the concrete floor.

   Walking towards the crying Owl, my bloodlust increasingly grew. I was impatient for my own turn. The wispe of red and purple surrounded and ecaplating him, he started to scream louder. He couldn't bear to imagine what I was going to do next, with that killer look in my eyes.

   Before I could even grasp him, he screamed that the merchandise was in a hidden pocket next to his left pants pocket.

   "Pathetic" I yelled. I spat in his face, disgusted and angry that I didn't get to do anything to him. I slammed the door closed as I left the room for Feitan to finish the job.

   "Scarlet?" Machi said after she heard the slammed door.

   "Looks like Scarlet didn't get to finish." Phinks said with a laugh.

    I scoffed angrily and walked towards Chrollo,

   "Alright, what shall we do about Uvogin?"


Hey uh, Not sure what to say but...genuinely shocked this story is still getting notifications. Um but I guess I'm back?  Y'all are fr so sweet for supporting this story. Um but ily and let's see if anyone reads this after two yrs lol. Those who do thank you. <3

Love y'all, remeber you are valid, you deserve love and protect womens reproductive rights.

Yaku ♥️

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2022 ⏰

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