Chapter 47. Finally Together

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After a sleepless night, Amy felt too drained to attend the New Year party. She didn't wanted to attend any party, she'd rather pass the night sulking in her room, finding answers from her fate. Is there any hope of being with Blake? Or has he completely abandoned her from his life? Now when she thinks about her stupidity, she really feel like a loon. It was Blake, who confessed his love to her, opening up his heart. But she was too absurd to see it and allowed her past to overshadow the love. If only she had replied him that time, they'd be together, in each other's arm. She can't go back to him now, seeing him, it seems like he has blocked out his emotions and feelings for her. He's not even the one to be blamed, he tried all he could to help her see through the darkness of her past, and now if he gives up, its not his fault.

Her phone ringed, snapping her out of her misery. She glanced at the screen to find her mother's name flashing. She picked up in the second ring.

"Hey mom! How are you?" She tried to sound enthusiastic as much as she could. She doesn't want her parents to worry.

"Hey sweetie, we are good. How are your doing sweetheart. Why didn't you contact me after reaching there. What has keeping you busy?" Her mother chirped from the other side. Sounding all happy and bright unlike her.

Blake! She didn't dare to say that out loud. "Uh nothing, just work and stuff. You temme, how's everything at your end? How's Mrs Susan's planning for New Year party going on?" Amy tried to divert the conversation from herself.

"Its going good," Julie sensed the discomfort in her daughter. "What are you planning for New Year?"

"Um nothing mum. I have some designs to complete before the fourth internship award, so I might be spending it at home." She shrugged nonchalantly, at least she didn't lie about going to a party and having fun.

"Design! Give it a break Amy, can we please cut this crap. Tell me what's bothering you? There's something wrong, isn't it? You shouldn't hide from your mother sweetie. I know you aren't yourself, here too you seemed too reserved." Her mother bombarded her with questions. She wouldn't buy her lies as always. She couldn't inspect her when she visited them for Christmas in front of her husband, but she wouldn't let her escape this time.

Why does mothers know everything?!

"Its nothing, really. What gives you that impression." She chuckled humorlessly, which came out as fake as her words. "How's dad? Say my h—"

"Amy! What's wrong? Tell me now!" Her mother said sternly in an authoritative voice, which left Amy with nothing but to stick with the truth.

"Mom, it's a guy—"

Before she could say further her mother broke into squeals, like a teenager. "I knew there's a guy! Oh Amy, I'm so happy! You're at last omitting your past. Who's the lucky one. Tell me everything." Her mother probed in excitement, without letting Amy finish.

Amy shook her head, tears flowed down her eyes. "Mum," She sobbed, unable to continue and explain her stupidity. How she lost a true love.

"Baby, why are you crying?" Julie tensed, hearing Amy sob. If she had another heartbreak, she'd not be able to believe in love ever again!

"Mum he loved me! But I was too caught up with my past to see through it even with his help. I've lost him and now I realise how much he means to me! He showed me the meaning of true love and made me fall for him, but I let it slipped from my fate because of my fear of heartbreak. I won't get him now, he'd never want to see me again for making him miserable." Amy cried to her mother, her heart ached as the realization downed by her each word. She has lost him!

"Oh my baby. Don't cry, if he really loves you then he'd get back to you. Show him how much you love him and he'd accept you sweetie. Trust me, don't waste time crying yourself to sleep. Go and attain your love dear." Her mother tried to console her. Its not what she presumed, in fact its her daughter who broke a heart. "Who's this guy Amy? Is he the one you're sharing apartment with?"

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