Chapter 19. The Dinner

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The next morning Amy woke up really late as she had slept late last night. She glanced outside the window to notice it was already noon time. She was relieved she has to start the second month of internship from tomorrow. She dragged herself to the washroom to get fresh.

After getting fresh she walked out of her room to notice the living area was empty it means Blake has already left for work. She checked the time and it was half past eleven.

Amy was not in the mood of cooking any breakfast but her stomach grumbled declaring its emptiness. She stalked to the kitchen in search of some food. She noticed a plate on the countertop covered with a paper plate and a thermos flask. She doesn't remember seeing it last night.

She reached the table and found a note stuck on the back of the paper plate. It was written by Blake.

Morning beautiful, sorry for not accompanying you for breakfast. I kept waiting for you on breakfast table but I guess you were quite exhausted because of yesterday's drama, which kept you from getting up early, so I didn't wake you up.

You need your beauty sleep ;)

I don't think you'd be in a mood to cook something so I have already prepared the breakfast for you. I don't want you to starve till lunch. Your black coffee is in the flask and breakfast in this plate.. Warm it up before eating.

Enjoy your breakfast.. And yeah, wait for me for dinner I want to cook for you.


Amy didn't realize that her lips had twitched in a smile and her cheeks were heated up a bit. It was very thoughtful of Blake to keep the breakfast ready for her. She guess she overreacted yesterday and misunderstood him a little. Whatever he was up for the three months, right now she was in a need of a friend. And she doesn't think she'd get anyone who'd care for her the much Blake does.

She warmed up the breakfast as Blake has written and savored the taste of it in every bite. Blake was a great cook and she was gettin used to his cooking. She rarely made breakfast, it was alway Blake who kept it ready in morning for her.

After cleaning up the kitchen she wandered in the living area and sprang on the comfy couch and switched on the television to pass the lonely time. She didn't wanted this extra holiday but as the other intern requested to have a day off as they wanted to visit their parents and relatives she also had to endure this leave. She didn't fly to her parents because it is waste of money to just fly there and meet them for a day. She wishes to stay longer if she goes to meet her parents, at least for a week.

Amy went through some channels to find nothing watchable, at the end she ended up on a romantic movie The Notebook. How the guy and girl end up together in the end and dies in each others arm.

Her mind started questioning again if this happens in real life, is there any hope of her love returning back? But she didn't feel love for him anymore and if he comes in front of her right now she'd just ignore him how he did her. So does she still has a chance of having a happy ending like Noah and Allie?

Maybe yes, if you give a chance to Blake. Her subconscious side butt in.

Her heart wanted to agree with it but, her mind stopped her from doing so. Its too soon to take a decision. She has known him for a month and it is not enough to know a guy properly. As Hannah said she should just go with the flow. In a corner of her heart she had hope that Blake prove him right and show her what she's running from since two years.

She didn't realize when she fell asleep again on the couch. She was really very tired and there was nothing to keep her awake after the movie finished. Hannah had gone on a date with Erik so she was also not there with her in Blake's absence. Amy was still furious with Erik, the way he treated Blake wasn't acceptable.

Blake reached home to see Amy fast asleep on the couch. He neared her to examine her innocent face one more time. Her blonde hair which had streaks of brown in it now were sprawled on the cushion. She was exhaling breath with her lips little apart, which was making her lips more delectable. He wished to just lunge his lips on her and taste the juicy lips again, but he didn't wanted to force himself on her again. What yesterday happened was an abrupt move, its not that he regret it but the next time when it happens he wants to take it slow and with Amy's consent.

She looked so peaceful in her sleep that he couldn't wake her up. As he'll be making the dinner he thought of letting her sleep for some more time, until the dinner is ready. He was not even sure if she's still resentful by yesterday's event.

Blake changed and tiptoed to the kitchen to cook Bangers and Mash with onion gravy, Steak and Kidney Pie and his all time famous Stottie Cake for desert. Once he started cooking he lost the track of time.

Amy had already woken up and realized Blake was in kitchen preparing dinner. She didn't wanted to disturb him while cooking, so she just stayed silent and watched him cook. He looked really adorable in the girly apron Amy had got for herself, but never got the chance to wear it.

Once Blake was done he turned to wake Amy but perceived her already sitting on the countertop, watching him cook.

"When did you wake up?" Blake asked feeling a little flurried. He was not sure if Amy is still aggravated because of yesterday.

"When you were enjoying cooking dinner, in my apron." Amy teased him raking her eyes on the apron. She could sense his nervousness, and tell the reason behind it. Truthfully speaking her anger had vanished the same time she preserved the breakfast he had left, which showed how much he is concerned for her, but handing her heart was a completely different story which she was not yet ready to do.

"Oh." Blake realized what he was wearing and hurriedly removed it. "So umm.. You up for dinner?" Blake asked trying to change the topic, and to know if his cooking effort is worth or it will go in vain if Amy didn't want to have dinner with him. He had just informed her about the dinner and didn't know if she's up for it.

"Of course, you told me you'd cook tonight, and I can't miss that. Is the dinner ready?" Amy asked taking a sniff of the delicious food.

Blake flashed his dazzling smile. Amy was no more aggravated with him, which was all that mattered now. "Yes your Highness." Blake said in thick accent, bowing in front of her.

Amy giggled at his accent. "What are we waiting for then?" Amy countered impatiently, taking the chair.

Blake was glad to see the old Amy back. After what happened yesterday, he thought he'd loose the friendship too, but Amy was really different.

Blake severed the food in their plates and waited for Amy to taste first. Amy took a bite of Bangers. It was appetizing and she couldn't help the moan escaped her mouth in delight. "Umm, its just yummy." Amy praised his cooking skill. Compared to her he was a great cook.

Blake grinned proudly. "Glad you liked beautiful." Blake thanked her using his endearment.

Amy felt good hearing the endearment. It gave a strange satisfaction, as if everything was back to normal. Then they had the dinner in silence.

"It was really nice of you Blake, to cook dinner. I thoroughly enjoyed it." Amy appreciated his effort once again while washing the dishes. As they decided Amy washed the dishes whilst Blake cooked. Blake was drying the dishes watching Amy wash.

Once again he got the chance to admire her beauty and simplicity. This girl really has her effect on him. Her golden blonde hair were highlighted with brown now with laser cut hairstyle. He noticed a tress of hair was covering her eyes which was irritating her, but as her hands were engaged in dishes she was not able to move them.

Blake advanced his hand to lock it behind her ear. Amy got aware of his action and arched an eyebrow in question. "May I?" Blake asked her, pointing at the strand of hair. Amy didn't reply anything and just nodded.

While tucking her hair behind her ear, his finger brushed her skin which sent tinkle down her spine. She couldn't comprehend why touch had this effect on her. She felt empty once his hand was off her skin, a part of her wanted more of him but she shut it up before her imagination gets wild. Why does her heart respond to his touch this way? Is he already making a place there?


Thanks for reading guys.


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