Chapter 4. The Internship

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The cab stopped with a halt, Amy looked out of the window and saw a huge glass building, she paid the driver and got out of the cab and stood in front of Elsa design. She walked in and the door opened, the place was plush with marble flooring and beautiful designer dresses no not beautiful they were breathtakingly magnificent. seemed like they were touched by angels.

After seeing the dresses, Amy felt small. As if she doesn't belong to this place, maybe coming to New York wasn't the best idea, maybe Ms. Elsa would change her mind after seeing her, maybe she'd think she is too low to design cloths for her company, maybe maybe maybe.... argh where did your confidence flew away, this is not the time to think about "maybe" ..


Amy heard her phone ring,

~From Blake~

'How's your day going on beautiful? Hope you enjoy working there :) and yeah don't get nervous, my wishes are with you. ;)'

The message made Amy smile.Blake is right I shouldn't get nervous after all Ms Elsa has appointed her after going through her design, she must have liked something about them, or else why would she ask her to come to New York!

~ to Blake~

'A lil' nervous, but your wishes worked :) thank you.'

~ from Blake ~

'Anytime beautiful.'

Head high, back straight and you can do this.

Amy walked to the reception and saw an Asian girl typing furiously something, lookinga little irritated.

Amy cleared her throat. The Asian looked up from the computer and smiled brightly at Amy "How may I help you miss?"

The Asian asked in a calm tone, as if she wasn't irritated 5 seconds ago.

"I got this letter 3 days ago. I'm here for the internship." Amy said handing her appointment letter to the Asian.

The Asian examined the letter and said.

"Very well miss Mills, you can wait in the waiting room with the other interns. Ms Elsa will be here soon." The Asian said smiling. "I'm Lisa."

"Please call me Amy." Amy said shaking hands with Lisa.

Lisa led Amy to a broad passageway, on the right side there was a glass door. The inside was big, with big comfy couches, there other seven interns were already waiting, whose faces lit up thinking Elsa has arrived, but dropped down when Amy and Lisa entered.

"You can wait here Amy." Lisa said with her bright smile.

"Thank you Lisa."

Amy sat on the left couch from the door, and noticed, there were four girls, two boys and one um.. Gay?

"Hi." said a girl, sitting next to her "I'm Hannah, what is your name? Are you also an intern here? You don't look like a New Yorker! Where are you from? How do you know Elsa? have you every met Els-"

"Take a break babes." The gay guy cut her off. "Let her answer your first question, first. I'm Austin." said the gay gesturing with his hand.

"Right, sorry." Hannah said giggling.

"It's okay, I'm Amy from California, and yes I'm here for internship and no I haven't met Elsa yet." Amy finished looking at both if them.

"Wow nice." says the girl excited. "you really seem nice, at least better than those two brunettes." Hannah said in a hushed tone, signalling two brunette. Everything about them screamed money, arrogance and self obsession. There was also a guy sitting with them and the three of them were discussing something together. It looked like they knew each other since long.

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