Chapter 16. First Kiss

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Amy and Blake didn't speak the entire way to home, Amy didn't wanted to push Blake. If he doesn't want to share his desolate past then she won't force him by asking again and again about it.

Blake just wanted to clear his mind with what happened in the party, he was trying to forget Lora and he was succeeding in it but Erik had to remind him again of her! The love he had felt for her had long gone and what remained was pure hatred. He loved her with all his heart and she returned the favour by playing with his feelings.

Blake parked the car in his building parking area and slid out of it, Amy did the same. Both remained quiet on the way to top floor, unsure of what to say.

Blake couldn't take the quietness anymore. Its better to share your dilemma than suffer from keeping it to yourself.

"I was madly in love with her." Blake started when he got sure Amy wouldn't try to invade his past until he will share.

Amy remained silent, there was nothing she could say in this matter without knowing the whole story.

"I had met her in my college first year. We first became friends and I didn't realise when I fell in love with her..." Blake went on. They were now in the living area. "I was afraid of confessing my love, feared of losing friend like her if she would not accept my love but before I comprehend what I should do she proposed me oneself. I was stunned by the boldness but more ecstatic knowing she feels the same for me as I do, but the idiot I was that I ignored my friend's warning and broke my friendship with him thinking he's just jealous of me and want me to get apart from my love, I became blind and did not see how that girl was using me and my love like toy." Blake frowned at her memory. How he made a fool of himself thinking she was really in love with him.

Amy could decipher his condition, once she was in the same shoe as his.

"All she ever wanted was money and fame, while she feigned the love and affection for me. That girl had a stone heart." Blake said bitterly, the thought of her now was enough to enrage him.

Amy's story was somewhat same as him, but what she felt for him was not rage but betrayal and misery for herself. How she made fool of herself loving a man who just used her to get to he-

"Amy? What's wrong?" Blake questioned if she was listening, she hasn't utter a word since they came back.

Blake's question brought Amy back from her reverie. "Uh nothing, was just thinking how cruel some people can be." Amy sighed, she could never overcome how they used her love.

But Amy's heart was not capable of hating anyone, at least not her. She would still happily forgive her if she come back to them.

"Amy what's wrong?.." Blake asked again. He didn't know his story would affect her so much. "Are you alright?" or maybe there's something else bothering her.

"Sorry, I was just thinking something." Amy lied, she never shared her past with anyone and not intend to do yet. Sharing her past means relive those event which she didn't wanted to. "Blake I can understand what you must be feeling for her.. " Amy tried to console him.

"Amy I don't feel anything for her now!" Blake countered. "I was in love. Now what I feel for her is pity. In gaining money and fame she lost the most precious thing she could have, a true love. No matter how much rich and famous she gets, she'd never get true love now." Blake announced. No one would ever love her like he did, and now even if she tries she won't get the love back from him.

"Then why does her thought make you desolate!" Amy was sure he's still in love with her, no one can overcome first love, like her..

"Its not her thought, its the guilt. I was so busy loving her that I lost my closest friend. She's nothing to me now. All I have for her is hate." Blake confessed, he missed Erik badly, but his pride didn't let him apologize first. Blake believed it was Erik's mistake too, that he didn't persuade him more and Blake's one word was enough for him to break his friendship.

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