Chapter 18. Go With The Flow

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"Amy, where are you lost?" Hannah asked her while sipping her coffee. "You look worn out too. What's wrong?" Hannah added when she remained quiet. She has not uttered a word since they came in the cafe.

Amy was lost in her thoughts. Actually she was confused. Why was Blake so persist about making her believe in love? Does that mean he really likes her? or does he sees her as a challenge? What was he going to do in these three months? Why can't he just accept what she says and forget the kiss? Why can't she live her life as her way? Why does he have to make their simple friendship so complicated? She was glad to have a friend like him but here he was persistent about making her fall for him.

"Seriously girl, why did you call me here if you wished to stay noiseless the whole time. People are staring at me as I'm blabbering and you are just soaked up in your dreamworld." Hannah countered irritated after waiting for her to say something for almost half an hour, since she arrived.

Amy called Hannah to meet her at the nearby cafe so that she can get a break from the questions which were swirling in her head since Blake left her with his promise.

Hannah's voice brought her back to the present. "Sorry? Did you say anything?" Amy questioned her with a frown.

"Amy! What's wrong? I'm blabbering since half an hour and you are asking if I just said anything." Hannah grumbled in disbelief, throwing her hands in the air to emphasis her annoyance.

"Oh I..I am sorry Hannah. Actually I just wanted to get my mind off something, and I thought spending time with you would help." Amy apologized to her. Her voice was low as a whisper.

This got Hannah concerned. "I knew there was something. Come on you can tell me, maybe I can help." Hannah urged her to talk, squeezing her hand lightly. The worrisome for her friend was noticeable in her eyes.

Amy wasn't sure whether she should tell Hannah what's bothering her. If she told about today's breakfast then she'd have to explain her everything from beginning, for which she wasn't ready yet. But Hannah was her only friend and if she didn't share her quandary with her, then she'd explode with the unanswered questions.

Amy decided to brief her about everything. "The thing is.." Amy started with the kiss and how they had row in morning and then Amy's broken heart story and Blake asking for a chance but Amy denying it and then Blake's promise to make her accept her feeling within three months. "... And he promised to make me believe in love and make accept whatever feeling I have for him within three months. Which I'm afraid of." Amy ended with a sign. She never thought she would get in a situation like this before coming to NYC.

The entire time Amy was speaking her problem Hannah stayed silent and listened to Amy intently. "Hmm.." This was all Amy got in reply from Hannah.

"Hmm? That's all you could come up?" Amy groaned, raising eyebrow in incredulity.

"Be patient girl! Give me some time to think." Hannah stated, her voice giving away a hint of amusement.

She waited impatiently for Hannah to come up with something helpful. "Actually, What is there to stress out so much?" Hannah asked, crunching her eyebrow in confusion. She couldn't see anything which could cause Amy this worried.

Amy gave the expression, as if she has said the most absurb thing. "Hannah he likes me!" Amy growled getting a little frustrated at her friend who was finding it all normal.

Or maybe you are just overreacting! Her subconscious side snorted.

"Oh please don't say its forbidden to like you!" Hannah replied sarcastically. There was nothing to worry so much, But Amy being Amy, gets hyper in everything.

"No I don't mean that.." Amy started but Hannah interjected her.

"Look, I don't know if I'm the right person to tell you, but whatever happened with you in your past shouldn't affect your present and future. Like you say its been two years, its high time you should forget that douchbag and move on in your life Amy." Hannah tried to make her understand. She couldn't see her friend in pain. In this one month Amy had got really closer to her and she wants to see her happy.

"You are getting it wrong Hannah. I'm no more grieving for him. I'm just scared to love again. I won't be able to handle another heart break." Amy explained Hannah her dilemma.

"You can't be so sure about all. Maybe he isn't like your ex and likes you truly. I think you should give him a chance. What's the harm in it." Hannah counseled, squeezing her hand softly.

"And what if I started liking him and he would be just thinking of me as a challenge." Amy queried nervously. She has lost the ability to trust men again.

"You are staying with him since a month now. One would know what kind of a person someone is in a month. Did he ever misbehaved with you or tried to pass on you? No, right. He isn't like Louis Amy. I have seen the affection for you in his eyes yesterday night, the way he looked at you said it all. Don't always think negative, try to see the good side girl." Hannah lectured her while Amy just stayed quiet listening to her attentively as if it was an important lecture and she'd fail her exam if she didn't hang on every word.

Hannah chuckled at her expression. "Oh Amy, you are really very innocent. He has asked for three months right, so just wait and see what he does to make you believe in love. If he really likes you and want you then he'd do anything and if he's just playing around then no one would waste three months wooing a girl from where they are getting no hope. So you just chill now and go with the flow." Hannah ended hoping her effort of making her understand is worth.

"Yeah you are right. I should just wait as I don't have any other option." Amy sighed and agreed to Hannah.

"That's like my girl. Now cheer up, this grouchy face doesn't suit you." Hannah joked trying to lighten up her mood.

"Thanks Hannah." Amy gave a warm smile. She was grateful to have a friend like Hannah.

"Anything for my friend." Hannah returned the smile back and they left for home.

Amy reached home to find it empty. Blake hadn't arrived yet and she was glad for it. She was not yet ready to face him after what happened in morning. She needed some time to compose herself from the incident before she sees him again. She made herself a cheese sandwich and went in her room, so that she doesn't have to face him when he arrives.

To pass the time she called her mother and gave her details about yesterday's event. Her mother was on top of the world hearing he daughter has achieved second award and complimented on her new look.

By the time she finished talking to her mother it was already 11, so she just stayed in bed trying to get some sleep, but her mind was not yet ready to shut. Her kiss with Blake wasn't leaving her mind. She didn't accept to Blake, but for her it really meant something.

How his lips moved in sync with her and his hands caressed her back. How she returned the kiss passionately, savoring his taste. How his tongue invaded her mouth and how she felt it amazing.

A cracking sound burst her memory bubble and she realized Blake has arrived home. She checked the clock and it showed 1 am in morning. The sleep wasn't yet ready to come and she tried not to memorize again and again their kiss. After debating with her mind she finally drifted to an easy sleep, engulfed with the kiss.


Hey everyone, I know this chapter is a little boring, but I wrote this just so that Amy agrees to give Blake a chance. Someone had to make her understand!!

I promise next chapter will have lots of Amy and Blake ;)

Thanks for reading.


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