Chapter 5. Shopping

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"Yes mom, don't worry. He's a nice guy. I mean we don't even see each other I'm alone now, he's not home yet... I don't know mom... Maybe late, because he's a DJ... MOM how would I know, whether he has a girlfriend. It doesn't even matter... You know I'm not into all this anymore... Mom I need to go... You too love you, say hi to dad."

It was 7 in evening and Blake hadn't come home. He doesn't have dinner at home. He said he is DJ, so he might be coming very late at night.

Amy headed to the kitchen to make herself some food, after searching for fifteen minutes Amy got nothing edible. This is the thing with bachelors, they never keep any food item at home.

Because they know they'll never be around at that time.

She needs to do some shopping. Amy made a list of things she needs to get, and after three packets of chips, two diet coke and one horror movie Amy was ready to sleep.

Amy heard the lock click and the door opened revealing Blake and a blonde chick, clinging to Blake. Amy wasn't sure what to do, whether just sit there or get up and go inside her room. After debating with herself she decided to sit in the hall only, why should she be embarrassed she is not the one with a clingy boy.

Blake wasn't aware of Amy, in fact he had completely forgotten about Amy staying with him.

"Who is that?" The blonde asked Blake noticing Amy on the couch.

"Who baby?" Blake turned and saw Amy there. Then it all came.

"Oh Amy, you are home." Blake asked Amy, ignoring the blonde completely.

"You go in, I'll see you there." He instructed the blonde. She turned around and walked in his room.

"Yeah I came early today. Who is she? Your girlfriend? "Amy couldn't stop but asked, out of curiosity.

"Girlfriend! Who? Oh Mia, nah she's the taste of the night." Blake said winking. His trademark smirk was plastered on his face.

Amy's mouth was agape, how can someone talk so openly about their sex life?

"What do you mean by that?" Amy assured what she heard was right, turning towards Blake with a disgusted expression.

"Nothing. You don't need to corrupt your innocent mind, beautiful." Blake said, dropping the topic.

"Whatever. I'm going to sleep. I'll see you tomorrow." Amy said getting up from the couch and heading towards her room.

"Sure, good night Amy."Blake called out.

"Good night." Amy closed the door, changed in her night wear and jumped on her bed.

So many things happened today, but she can't keep herself from smiling at how wonderful it was, despite the night! She made friends, internship at an amazing designing company, and some fun colleagues.

"Who was she?" Mia asked once Blake came in the room. "Is she your girlfriend?"

Blake laughed at her question. "Why does every girl has the same question? of course not!"

Bad choice Blake, she's more dumb than she looks. If he was her boyfriend then why would he bring some other girl home!

"Then why is she staying with you?" Mia asked in a getting envious, coming closer to Blake and trailing her finger from his lips to neck and down to his chest.

"Because she is my paying guest, beside you are here for just a night, you don't need to get so possessive sweetheart" Maybe this girl has only one thing in her mind, and she's good at that. This night will be fun.

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