Chapter 8. Break Down

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Amy entered the apartment and found it empty. It was not something unusual and this had become her routine, go to work come home to find it vacant, have dinner alone and go to bed.

Amy was fine this way, no one to interrupt, but somewhat it had become boring, she was used to living with her parents and now living here all alone was making her lonely.

Mike hadn't showed up after the day he dropped her here, and she can't ask him to come and stay with him, he had his own life.

The only one who could accompany her here was Blake, who was never be found at night.

Yesterday night she slept waiting for him, not really waiting, but she just had in mind that if he came early then she'd not feel lonely. Blake was a good companion, but even he didn't show up yesterday, don't know what time he arrived and when he carried her to bed.

And after what happened in morning, Amy was glad he didn't come early. This was kind of awkward for her to be greeted by a new girl every night.

Everyone was enjoying their lives except her. She felt the need to have someone, to take care of her, to love her.

don't forget about last time's consequence.

After what happened two years back, Amy promised herself to never fall for anyone. Her faith from love had vanished, that was the reason she stayed away from men.

Amy pushed the thoughts out of her mind and went in the study to research about her Co-interns.

She was not feeling like eating anything, this happens every time she thinks of her past and to divert her mind she got busy with the research.

After two hours of probing she got to know about almost everyone, except Sofia.

Elena was a millionaire's daughter, her mother was a fashion designer herself and had many boutiques in Alaska.

Rosita was Elena's best friend and was here only because of her reference.

Sean was also Elena and Rosita's childhood friend and Elena's lover boy. Fashion designing was his passion.

She got to know all this only because Elena's father was a millionaire and media had every single detail about them.

Then there was Louis who was born and bought up in San Francisco. His father was an actor but his son chose fashion designing, there was no info about his mother.

This explains Louis' bad boy image. A busy father and a missing mother.

Joe was a New Yorker and his brother was CEO of a famous constructing company. His parents died when he was a child in a car accident. His brother adored his little brother and helped him get to Elsa design.

Austin was Elsa's nephew and Elsa wanted him to be in fashion world. This information was hard to get because Elsa tried to keep it confidential so that people doesn't think of her as preferential.

There was nothing to probe about Hannah, she was her only friend in New York and she knew everything about her.

And as for Sofia, there was no history for her, maybe she doesn't belong to a high class background. She didn't seem detrimental, so there was no point of wasting time anymore.

Amy went in the Living room and switched on the TV, to pass her loneliness .

It was past midnight, but Amy wasn't able to sleep, her past was grieving her again, she felt as if she could no longer keep the broken pieces from shattering

She always tried to keep strong demeanour in front of her parents, but the truth was she was broken from inside.

Her parents didn't knew the actual truth, which she kept from them because she didn't wanted to be pitied.

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