Epilogue: Theo

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Disclaimer: All characters and settings are purely fictional. If there are any similarities to real people or places, it is merely coincidental. The plot is written by me and not copied from any other writer.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Left in the Dark ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

       Hayden and I sat in shock. Well, everyone did as the Principal announced our Championship win. We won by default. The team we were supposed to play got caught taking banned substances. To make matters even more bizarre, the team with the qualifying stats to replace them is unable to play due to a school shooting last week. With no other team to play, we were deemed the winners. The season is done. 

       I'm not sure how to process the information. Even the other players are dumbfounded by the events. So, when Coach calls a meeting, we sit in the gym quietly. No one says anything as he brushes over the news and reminds us that practice will resume this afternoon. He tells us the next few weeks are to train juniors and sophomores. We agree, still fazed by it all. Even after the coach leaves the gym, we sit there with our hands on our heads. 

"So, what do we do?" Chris asks, hunched over. Everyone shrugs. What do we do? We broke the tradition. We still won, but we didn't actually play to win. It was by default. 

"I guess we celebrate?" KC says, unsure of his statement. Everyone looks around the room. He was right. We still won. In a matter of seconds, the gym is filled with our shouts of enthusiasm. Hayden is in the center of it all, high fiving and fist-bumping everyone. A few of the players shake him in congratulations. Even Mike and Devan are celebrating with him. 

"Link up by Tyler's?" Hayden asks. He needs no response. He knows we are going to celebrate. With the year coming to a close, these hangouts were becoming few in number. Soon, we will all be off to college and facing the bumps, hills, and mountains adulthood had to offer.

      After practice, we all head to Tyler's. After chilling with KC, Chris and Hayden, I'm drunk but not a messy drunk. I'm feeling better than ever. With zero games remaining, I am free from the restrictions of drinking until college football practice begins. Being this free has me happy, and there is only one person I wasn't t shower this happiness with-- Rylee Scott.

       Last I saw her, she was chilling with Mikah in the kitchen. After spending enough time with my teammates, I wanted nothing more than to be with her. So, I walk towards the kitchen. My mind was filled with all the dirty thoughts I wanted to do to her. The Doctor told her to take things easy, but he didn't say she couldn't have sex. I made sure to confirm with her because I missed her. I missed being with her. I missed holding her. Damn, I missed being inside of her. 

"Hey Theoo," a voice called out. It was Vee. She was walking towards me, giggling profusely. She had a cup in her hand. I guess she was drunk. She walked up to me, almost crashing into me. I hold her, steadying her. 

"What's up, Vee?" I asked, a bit irritated since she was preventing me from getting to Rylee. Vee hiccupped. She grinned at herself before slapping her hand on my shoulder. 

"You're so darn cute! Do you want some?" She asked, holding up the up. She tilted it slightly, almost dropping its contents on the floor. I steadied her hand again, trying to avoid a messy occurrence. 

"Nah, I'm good. I'm trying to find Ry. You see her?" 

Vee hiccups, "No. Why is it always Ry? Don't you like me?"

I sigh, "As a friend, Vee."

She pouts, "You use to have a crush on me. Why don't you like me now?" She clings the cup to her breast. In the dim lighting, I can see she's wearing a yellow, short sleeveless bodycon dress. It has a few drink stains. She must have spilled it walking around intoxicated. 

"Vee, you don't like me. You like that I'm Rylee's boyfriend because you hate her. But, I'm not going to be a pawn in your little games, again."

"She's a bitch. What do you even see in her?" She spurts. I frown. She was killing my buzz. I spot KC and motion him over. He doesn't hesitate to come over. 

"Ok Vee. How about you tell KC all about how much you envy my beautiful girlfriend?" Vee turns clumsily to KC. His eyes widen. Before he could protest, I take off in pursuit of Ry. 

      It takes me a little time to find her. When I finally make it to the kitchen, she's standing by the sink washing a cup. I wrap my arms around her and rest my head in the crook of her neck. The fragrance wafting off her body excites me. I slide my hands down the curves of her body. My lips trailing kisses down her neck. 

"Someone is excited," she whispers, the sound drives me insane. I spin her around and kiss her deeply. She presses into me, the heat of her body warming into mines. She felt soft under my fingertips. My hands trail down to her ass. Rylee's body was sexy. She was naturally thick, but cheerleading toned her in ways my body appreciated. Feeling her curves,  I press myself against her. She feels so good. She tastes so good. I could spend eternity touching her. 

"Let's get out of here," I state. She bits her lips and nod. My hand finds her. With our hands interlocked, we leave Tyler's. That night, I ravished her as she told me she loved me. I didn't pay any mind to it. If I wasn't so intoxicated, I would have realized she was telling me goodbye.

       The next day, there was no Rylee. I woke up to an empty bed. Only a text message that read, "I'm sorry." Even after driving restlessly to her house, I didn't find her. Only her distraught parents who had nothing but a mere letter to read. A letter that explained her desire to go her own way. A stupid letter that explained she was doing what was best for everyone.

        For weeks, I sat waiting for her to return. I went to classes expecting to see her. I went to her house and spent time with her family, hoping she would walk through the door. I nagged Mikah endlessly for anything, but she was just as confused and heartbroken as I was. And when graduation came, and they called her name, the tears streamed down my face. Because I knew, she wasn't going to show up. She made the decision to leave me without ever telling me why. 

       I drowned my sorrows with alcohol at Tyler's final get together. Hayden left Mikah and me to get some more drinks. The silence was heavy between us. I resented her slightly. Part of me felt like she knew something. I felt like there was no way Ry wouldn't tell her something as important as disappearing from our lives. I think she resented me too. Much like me, she too believed Rylee's disappearance had to do with me. 

"Did she leave the ring?" Mikah asked, her voice cracking. I froze, struggling to swallow the last drop. 

"No, she didn't."

Mikah sighed in relief, "Then, she'll be back."

I turned to her, "How do you know?" Mikah turned to me, our eyes meeting for the first time in weeks. We shared a similar expression. We were both desperate for some kind of hope. We needed it.

"It was a big decision for her to put it on. If she didn't leave it, she has plans to come back. She loves you. She has to come back." Mikah closed her eyes. It seemed as if she was praying. 

I whispered, "What do I do without her, Mikah?"

She shrugged, "Everything she would want us to do." The room was filled with laughter, and thrills of enjoyment. Hayden returned with the drinks. The three held the cups in the air. 

"To Rylee Fucking Scott!" Hayden shouted. We all took a drink. 

To Rylee Fucking Scott, I thought. I'll find you. 

The End

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