Chapter Thirty: Theo

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Disclaimer: All characters and settings are purely fictional. If there are any similarities to real people or places, it is merely coincidental. The plot is written by me and not copied from any other writer.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Not Without Her ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

       It has been a week. A week of her just lying in that bed doing nothing. I can't help her. Nothing I do or say wakes her up. According to Doctor Thomas, she's physically fine. Her fall gave her a concussion, and she fell into a coma. He says she will wake up any day now, but it is solely up to her. Her family and I spend as much time as we can with her. Although we seem fine, we are holding on by a thread of hope.

      Her mother is a wreck. She hasn't slept in days. She cries next to Rylee, begging her to wake up. Her dad remains strong, reassuring his wife that Rylee is strong enough to wake up. Ryland and India were quiet. India would comfort Ryland as he stared intensely at Ry asleep. It was as if he was channeling his energy into her. Part of me believed he was because, by the end of his visit, he looked drained. Everyone was raddled. I was no better.

      I missed three practice sessions before Mr. Scott admonished me to go to practice. He told me Rylee would want me to continue pursuing my dreams and not wasting them while she was asleep. I fought him about it until I caved. He was right. Besides, I needed the distraction. The idea of losing her hurt more than any injury I've sustained from football. It hurt more than the idea of her not loving me. It hurt so much, I felt nothing when Coach made me run laps and drills all practice to make up for my absences.

     Hayden was angry at Coach Fields for being insensitive, but I told him to let it go. I needed the pain anyway. So, I did it all. Even when my legs and arms were burning, I dragged myself back to the hospital. When I walked in, I was sweaty and tired. The Scotts sent me looks of empathy as I walked right up to Rylee's bed.

     Seeing her broke my heart. The breathing machine over her face, the paleness of her skin, the dryness of her hair all broke me. There was always something bright and alive about her. Seeing her shattered my resolve. The tears flowed. I dropped to her bed and cried.

"Come back to me, baby. Please. You can't leave me like this. You're my future, Rylee. Wake up, please," I cried. Her mother sobbed along with me.

"She's going to wake up, Theo," Ryland snapped. I ignored him. I brushed Rylee's hair. I missed tangling my finger in her wild curls. Now, it was just dry and frizzled. Her beautiful brown complexion was just dull and pale. The shimmer of her skin was missing. How many times had I adored her skin in my arms? How many times had I kissed her skin? Or whispered my love for her in the depths of my head? I regret not telling her more. I regret not spending more time loving her the way she deserved.

"I love you," I say to her. It flows off of my tongue as if Rylee asked me to say it. Her eyes flutter. I pause. It flutters again. My breath hitches.

"Rylee?" I ask. Her eyes open slowly. She blinks and squints from the light in the room. "Baby, you're up?" I squeal. She nods her head in response. My outbursts alert her family of her waking up, and in seconds I have been pushed aside. Her family embraces her. They all cry. The relief and happiness of her waking up overwhelm them.

As much as I wanted to stay, I knew her family needed time with her. I nodded to her dad before heading home. For the first time in a week, I was able to breathe.

       The next few days went by quickly. We won our game, and the season was coming to a close. Part of me couldn't wait for it to end because I missed spending time with Rylee. The championship was just one game away. The school was buzzing with excitement over winning another title. Hayden and I were just excited over the tradition's validity being broken. With one win away from proving it was nothing more than a hoax, we were excited to play. Well, mostly Hayden.

       But, my mind was preoccupied with Ry's health. She's doing fine, but she's out of school. Doctor Thomas recommended she rest at home. Her parents were given instructions to keep a close eye on her for the next few days. She was scheduled for a checkup today. Apparently, Dr. Thomas wanted to discuss a few things privately with her. Not even her parents were allowed to be there.

        The whole situation made me feel uncomfortable. Part of me knew something was wrong. I just couldn't figure out what it was. So, after practice, I dash home. I took a refreshing, well-needed shower and plopped myself on the bed. Instinctively, I dialed her number and waited.

"Hey, babe," Rylee answers. Her voice is not as cheery as I am accustomed, but I push those thoughts to the back of my mind. I'm more concerned about her visit.

"How was the doctor's visit?" I ask, getting straight to the point.

"I'm cleared. But-" she responds but I interrupt, "But what? Are you okay?"

"Yeah, yeah. I am. He just cautioned me to take things easy," she explained. I exhale a breath of relief. The call goes quiet. It's the usual for the two of us. Neither one of us wanted to say what was on our minds. It seems like an eternity when one of us speaks again.

"Theo?" Rylee asks, her voice soft and quivering.


"I love you," she confesses. The words are final. I'm not sure why she says it as if they're her last words. The thought of losing her is enough to upset me. I shake the thoughts away. Even if she planned to leave, I won't let her. She couldn't.

"I love you too," I tell her, mimicking her tone. There is no Theo Bradshaw without Rylee Scott. I plan to stand beside her until she understood. We were a packaged deal. There is no separating us.

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