Chapter Five: Rylee

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Disclaimer: All characters and settings are purely fictional. If there are any similarities to real people or places, it is merely coincidental. The plot is written by me and not copied from any other writer.

Author's Note: Sorry for updating so late. I'll post another chapter tomorrow to make up for it. Enjoy!

In the Middle

     It should be mentioned that I love Literature. Mrs. Branson is known for holding the best discussions during class about the text. She is one of those teachers who ask why a lot. Last school term, we read Macbeth by William Shakespeare, and during one of our discussions, Caleb Pynes stated that Macbeth's greed for the throne was largely influenced by the witches. He explained had they didn't interfere and inform Macbeth of his future, he would not have coveted the position. Mrs. Branson quickly responded, "Why did they interfere? What purpose does Shakespeare serve in introducing characters that would, stir the pot if I may say, and change the course of Macbeth's fate?" Caleb could not answer Mrs. Branson, but some of the other students were eager to offer their responses and ease the pressure off of him.

     I'm usually one of Mrs. Branson's contributors in class. I enjoyed sharing my thoughts in class and debating with others. It was one of the few classes I felt comfortable, and it was largely because Mrs. Branson was so welcoming to new thoughts and ideas. Now, I enjoyed it because it was one of the few classes I had with Theo. We had it all planned. We would sit together, partner up for all assignments, and study together for quizzes. It sounded perfect.

     But perfect when down the drain the moment we walked into class and realized our sitting preferences were different. Theo preferred sitting in the back, opting for blending in. I wanted to sit in the front, so I could be engaged in Mrs. Branson's discussions. We eventually compromised with some seats on the left of the room. I was slightly disappointed, but I didn't want Theo to know since he was still excited about the arrangement. Things took another turn when Jordan Dean showed up to class. He and I sat next to each other in every Literature class, so it was natural for him to greet me with the biggest smile.

"Hey Rylee, funny seeing you here," he joked, sliding his bag off his shoulder and taking the empty seat next to me. I noticed Theo sat up straight and looked at me.

    Ignoring him, I replied to Jordan, "I know right. After three years of Lit together, who would have imagined we would have the same class again!"

Jordan chuckles, "Crazy, right?" I laugh along with him, trying not to pay attention to the overtly curious boyfriend next to me. Jordan was a cute guy. He was almond complexion with round eyes and a wide, slightly pointed nose. He was known for his charming smile, coupled with the deepest dimples. Did I find him attractive? Yes, but under no circumstances was I going to let Theo know I did. Not that I planned to pursue anything with Jordan. Theo is my boyfriend, and no other guy made me feel the way he does.

"I'm guessing the summer went well?" Jordan asks, pulling me out of my thoughts. I quickly look up at him and nod.

"How did you know?"

Jordan gives me that sweet smile, "You look radiant, Rylee." Before I could comprehend Jordan's words, Theo barges into the conversation.

"Can't argue with you there. My girlfriend is definitely beautiful. I'm Theo, her boyfriend, and you are?" Theo stared at him with cold eyes. If the ground could swallow me up, I would have allowed it. Jordan didn't seem fazed by Theo's intrusion.

He smiled, "I know, man. Who doesn't know Theo Bradshaw at this school? I'm Jordan. Jordan Dean. Rylee and I have been Lit partners for the past three years."

Theo nods his head, "Okay, but I would prefer if you--"

"Good morning class, welcome to senior Lit!" Mrs. Branson announced, walking in the room with papers clutched under her arm and a cup in another. The scent of hazelnut proliferated through the room. Mrs. Branson was an avid coffee drinker. A good day with her began with a coffee in her hand. I appreciated her entrance as it distracted Theo from embarrassing me in front of Jordan. Theo was fully focused on our teacher, who was now handing out the list of texts we would be covering. It was filled with some pretty decent texts: a few more of Shakespeare's works, poetry, and a short story. My eyes latched on to the group activity which she had weighted at thirty percent of our final grade. As if reading my mind, Jordan raises his hand.

"Yes, Jordan?"

Jordan holds up the paper, "What exactly is the group assignment?"

Mrs. Branson takes a sip of her coffee and adjusts her glasses, "Well, it will be a formal analysis. It will be based on one of the pieces of work we will explore during this term. I will sort you into pairs to complete the assignment."

Jordan nods, "Is there any particular procedure you will be using to place us into groups?" His eyes linger on me for a second before reverting them back to our teacher.

She laughs, "Jordan, are you trying to be paired with Rylee, again?"

Jordan laughs, "I'm just trying to figure out the selection process." I turn to Theo who is frowning at Jordan. I smile lovingly at him for reassurance. He relaxes a bit.

"The selection process will depend on your performance for the assigned activities for each text. My aim is to pair you with someone who shares conflicting views, so a deeper analysis can be produced. I want critical and informative pieces that can create dialogue. So, do your best in your individual assignments." Mrs. Branson gives an encouraging smile to Jordan, who returns the enthusiasm. She moves on to the expectations of the class and answers questions of new students. At this moment, I can breathe again. I turn to Theo, and his eyes are locked on Jordan. I turn to Jordan, and he's smiling at me.

"Any other questions?" Mrs. Branson asks. It takes every fiber of my being not to raise my hand and ask if I could be transferred out of her class. Not because she was a bad teacher. But because I was stuck between a jealous boyfriend and my very enthusiastic literature partner. How on earth would I survive this class?

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