ƎᗡOƆ 𝟸𝟼| Hidden in the Forbidden

Começar do início

Yoongi's eyes scrutinised even more at the mention of Dr. Hong and he asked, "He said that? Have you judged whether he was saying the truth or not?"

He shook his head in response which pissed Yoongi more and he looked at the nurse and asked, "Were they really not working properly? Do you've any information about this?"

"Actually sir...they were working properly and I was utterly confused as to why Dr. Hong lied about it."

"Still you didn't inform anything about this?"

She looked at her feet in scared and said, "No sir..."

Yoongi sighed and was looking around for more clue, while the Chairman kept on scolding her for not informing him about all this.

"You people do all these things behind my back?! Wow! Great! JUST GREAT!" He yelled at her in rage, to which she apologised with teary eyes. He started to mumble to himself, "And I believed these people..."

Suddenly Yoongi's eyes fell on an old disciplinary chart for tooth caring, which was perfectly framed with light woods and glass, and was about more than 2m long. He started to read the written things there in his mind while holding the flashlight right in front of it.

That's when he noticed some marks on the wall, as if the frame was moved from there earlier and it left the light scratch of dust on the wall. Yoongi called over Miss Euk to hold his phone and provide the flashlight so that he could remove the frame from the wall easily.

What the-

Yoongi kept on staring in astonishment at the now revealed secret door that was hidden behind that frame. Coming to his senses he smirked lightly at his discovery.

"Omo! Its a door! Chairman-nim how a door came here?" Asked Miss Euk in surprise as she caught the owner of the place is in the same state as hers.

"I-I don't know...what's all this about?"

"Told you that there can be things beyond what you know." Yoongi mocked him again before asking for a hairpin from the nurse. "Do you perhaps have a hairpin right now, miss?"

"Oh yes- here." She handed him one with which he opened the lock in no time and pushed open the door with a thud. They closed their eyes as soon as bright lights from outside entered the room, blinding them in the process.

As their eyes adjusted to the light, they came out from that room through that secret passage and found that this door leads to the back of the building from where the highway is not so far.

"So this is where you left from", Yoongi mumbled to himself before coming inside the room and closing the door behind.


"Hyung! Hyung! You there? Jin hyung!"

Jungkook kept on calling Jin in the lab when the other was struggling to answer him while holding a pipette in between his plump lips.

Damn you Jungkook! Can't you just come over here?!

"Oh- there you are! I was looking for you for a long time hyung but you weren't even answering me!"

Putting down the pipette from his lips after measuring the liquid, he looked at him with an annoyed expression and give him a piece of his mind. "You dumb kid! Can't you see I was holding this pipette with my lips?! How am I supposed to answer you in that position?!"

"By putting it down like you did now."

Jin gave him a blank stare before sighing like an old man. He didn't know what to say at that statement.

Kids these days...

"Okay, but why are you here? To disturb me?"

"What?! No! I've work to do okay!" Jungkook defended himself and then said, "Suga hyung sent me here. He asked me to get the files of some reports which he had earlier asked you to make for the case."

"Oh, okay. Wait a second-"

He took out two pale blue files from the pile of files on Lee Beom's table and handed them to him. Jungkook started to look inside it when Jin asked, "But I thought Yoongi had something to discuss regarding these reports with me..."

Jungkook looked up at him and informed, "Oh yeah- he told me to inform you that he'll discuss the things at lunch today. And asked you to not keep any other plans for today and do lunch with us."

"Okay, I'm free today anyways."

Jungkook nodded before leaving the lab and head straight to Yoongi's office room. There he opened the locker and put the two files in it. He's the only person who have spare keys of his room and locker.

"And I'm done-" Jungkook got shook by his loud ringtone which vibrated inside his pocket. "Gosh that scared me!" He fished out the phone and groaned like a kid before answering it. "Now what?"

"Did you do as I said?" Yoongi asked while driving.

"All done. I was about to leave your room."

"Okay then I'm hanging up."

"Yeah okay b-" He couldn't even finish yet when he heard the 'beep' as the call ended. In annoyance he just scoffed at his blank phone screen, "Rude as always."


| 𝟶𝟷:𝟷𝟹:𝟺𝟶 𝙿𝙼 |

His car sped up as soon as he ended the call.

An evident smirk kept on playing on his lips as if he's about to reach his aim, a smile that comes when you know you will win no matter what.

Even if I'm still too far away but I know I'm in the right path...

Yoongi's eyes glanced at the papers that lay scattered beside him on the passenger seat and he smirked more.

Because the fog is getting clear slowly...

Just then interrupting his trail of thoughts his phone rang and the in the caller ID Youngdo's name appeared. But he declined it with a blank expression.

And the light is becoming evident to my sight.

He smirked again.


I know I've been on a hiatus for a long time now but I'll try to update few chapters now and please show love to my new oneshot book of BTS ^^

- Nik

CODE 13430 | MYGOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora