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| 𝟶𝟹.𝟶𝟼.𝟸𝟶𝟷𝟺 |

| 𝚂𝚎𝚘𝚞𝚕 |

"I hope you all have read the book 'Bad Blood' by John Carreyrou..."

It was that boring biotech class that Haeun has always hated to join. Her father has always wanted her to pursue a Medical Degree, but after seeing her negligence in the profession he advised to take up Biomedical Engineering instead.

"Ma'am the book is amazing, with lots of twists, cliff hangings- oh god, it's giving me goosebumps right now!" A student started when few others nodded excitedly.

"I know Dora...its amazing, isn't it?" The teacher smiled and asked for the rest of the students.

She had already finished reading the book, but she didn't say a thing or showed any reaction to the question. As if a wooden puppet with human flesh is sitting there.

Her mind is somewhere else from the body.


"But...didn't it seem like that?"

"Seemed like what?" She also paused with Seol and kept on gazing at her with a confusion painted look. "I didn't get it."

"That he looked at me?"

Haeun rolled her eyes at her and asked, "Weren't we talking about some medicinal stuff? From where he came now?"

The blonde stuck her tongue out at her and apologized. She face palmed internally after looking at her cousin. They both started chuckling at each other, but a voice interrupted their free time.

Both looked at the direction.

But the brunette haired male was looking at only one of them- who he called, with his sweetly deep voice. "Bae Seol...right?"

Seol replied with the stuttering tone, "Uh-uhm...yes. D-Do you ne-need something?"

He didn't say anything but gave a gummy little smile at her. It was warm and genuine- Haeun could understand that, as her lips also curved slowly at the corners without her consent.

"Really?! You're that Bae Seol?" That tall guy from the other day, who was with him jumped from nowhere and questioned with a shocked expression.

This made the girl more surprised and scared, as she nodded without answering anything. But she was confused about what the tall one meant by 'that'.

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