ƎᗡOƆ 𝟻| My misunderstood words

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| 𝟷𝟸.𝟶𝟼.𝟸𝟶𝟷𝟺 |

| 𝚂𝚎𝚘𝚞𝚕 |

The few days passed by like nightmares for the Bae family. Haeun got into a fever after that incident and the reason is still unknown to them, except for herself. She didn't share a word with them about that night and kept it all to herself.

I can't give them a headache for things like this...I just cant.

Seol came with the tray of food inside Haeun's room and placed it on the counter table and smiled. "How are you feeling, Haeun-ah?" She asked as she placed her hand on the other's pale one.

Haeun removed her glance from the window and looked at her, hiding all the pains she forced a smile at her. "Better."

"Hmm...", she nodded and grabbed the bowl of porridge to feed her. "You mean that this nurse here has succeeded in her mission, right?"

She let out a laugh at Seol's words and nodded in agreement, "Of course, ma'am! How can I deny that?"

The sisters were having a good time teasing each other and laughing, which felt like after a long time they got the chance again. When a silhouette just closed the door of her room after giving a short glance at them, which felt inaudible to their ears.

I'll have to protect her at all costs. They won't let her live peacefully after this...

He ran his hand through his hair in frustration as he looked at his phone, a message has been sent to him from some official number-

'You're requested to send Miss. Bae Haeun for the interrogation in the Police Station, as you're the current Guardian of her. I hope you take this seriously and send her without any delay by the coming Thursday, 12th June 2014.'


Jin came inside the library with long strides and sat beside Yoongi, but he didn't excuse a glance at him from his book! It wasn't anything unusual for Jin, so he dug out a book randomly from his backpack and started his 'Pretend Reading' act.


Yoongi groaned internally but signed him to continue what he wanted to rant about. Jin smiled at him and said, "Do you know what happened to Seol after that day? She isn't coming to uni for about 9 days or so."

Somehow this topic affected Yoongi's mental peace and he looked at his friend with creased brows. "Right, none of them are coming actually."

"Them- Oh yeah, the cousin!" Jin nodded in understanding and exclaimed, "Yes yes! She isn't coming either."

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