ƎᗡOƆ 𝟷| You aren't free

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Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.


Loud sirens could be heard throughout the alley, but he kept on running. Sounds of footsteps increasing- alarming, that they're about to reach him.

The blood spots are now alive and are dripping down the neck after getting mixed with the continuous forming sweat on his skin. He gulped- after looking back for instance.

The dark alley ended up to the main street, and he kept on running like a maniac as he reached the highway. Again the sound of sirens got louder, while it suppressed the sound of footsteps- of him, of theirs.

He kept on fighting for oxygen as he finally stopped on his tracks and looked around to find some siren fixed vehicles approaching him along with some footsteps. A chuckle came out instantly and his glance slowly went towards the flowing river under the highway.

A loud voice erupted down the silent highway, as he started counting suddenly. The intelligent brows creased as their pace increased, to reach him.







| 𝟸𝟼.𝟶𝟻.𝟸𝟶𝟷𝟺 |

| 𝚂𝚎𝚘𝚞𝚕 |


A female voice shrieked from the downstairs as she slowly stood up from the bed and looked around.

Sweat forming on the forehead.

The door opened with a terrible loud thud and in came another petite figure, with straight blonde- probably of her age or so. This made her jump on the bed in shock and fear, but everything cleared as she got her memories rushing in her mind.

Of the last week. Which was more than terrible!

"What happened? Are you alright?!" The girl asked with a caring voice, which made the memories of her father came rushing and piercing her heart.

"Nah, just...a nightmare. I'm alright now." She shrugged it off and smiled to make the other one feel easy.

And that worked like magic!

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