35. Proposals

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Jon Snow - At the wall

Jon sits, the snow doesn't even bother him. In all the time spent behind the wall, snow proved itself to be the least of his problems. Ygritte hands him some climbing cleats to strap onto his boots.

"I brought a pair for you. They're too big for you, but they're good."

Jon smiles, looking up at her. "You kill someone for them?"

Shrugging, she smirks. "Nah. I didn't kill him, but I bet his balls are still bruised."

Jon chuckles, prompting her to laugh as well. He had been worried about being around Ygritte after everything in the cave, but he's glad he stayed true to himself. It's the only thing he has nowadays - himself. If nothing else, Ygritte can be sure he's an honest man.

"He wasn't good to me the way you're good to me. He wasn't loyal nor trustworthy."

"Can we not talk about that here?" Jon glances around, worried someone might hear their conversation. Ygritte might be willing to let the rest know Jon didn't cave in front of her bare body, but Jon didn't want that. It would give them a reason to turn on him.

"'Can we not talk about that here? I'm Jon Snow. I've killed dead men and Qhorin Halfhand, but I'm scared of naked girls.'" Ygritte mocks him, flailing her arms to add onto her dramatic play by play. It earned her an eyeroll from Jon and a quick glance from Tormund.

Shaking his head, Jon raises an eyebrow. "Did I seem scared the other day?"

Ygritte stiggles a laugh, her voice holding a teasing tone he found both amusing and irritating. It's the same for her - she had grown on him, like an annoying sibling. 

"You were trembling like a leaf." Leaning in, she whispers, "Your secret's safe with me."

"What secret?" Jon frowns, wondering if she could specify for his sanity. He didn't want anyone knowing about Rosalie nor his refusal to abandon her memory or his morals.

"Do you think I'm as dumb as all those girls in silk dresses you knew growing up? You're loyal and you're brave. You didn't stop being a crow the day you walked into Mance Rayder's tent."

Jon freezes. Ygritte comes closer, furtively.

"But I'm your friend now, Jon Snow. You're going to be loyal to your friend as if I were your Southern woman. The Night's Watch don't care if you live or die. Mance Rayder don't care if I live or die. We're just soldiers in their armies and there's plenty more to carry on if we go down."

She moves to sit next to him. "It's you and me that matters to me and you. If you ever want to see your lovely lady, don't ever betray me." She didn't propose an alliance, she formed and sealed it in a single sentence.

"I won't." Jon's solemn, his face vacant of lies or treason. He's making a promise, Ygritte realizes and she cannot help but wonder if he made these promises to his lady as well. If he did, Ygritte is shocked with the thought of the lady refusing to be his. Who could ever resist Jon Snow?

"Good. 'Cause I'll cut your pretty cock right off and wear it 'round my neck so you won't have anything to fuck your woman with", she snickers and Jon lets out a breathless chuckle. She's definitely as annoying as a tic but she keeps him sane. At least he knows he has an ally now.

Tormund returns, handing Jon a climbing axe. "Sink your metal deep and make sure it holds before taking your next step. And if you fall, don't scream. You don't want that to be the last thing she remembers." Tormund nods toward Ygritte, assuming they're together and Jon doesn't correct him. Ygritte is his cover, he must use it to his advantage.

Taking a deep breath, Jon stands on the bottom of a very long climb. Glancing at Ygritte, he receives a reassuring nod from the redhead. Tormund, Orell, Ygritte, and Jon climb the wall. Three more wildlings lag behind. The wind howls and the snow swirls. They use ropes, pitons, and axes. The climb is slow and arduous. The height is dizzying.

'I'll be over soon. At least we'll be on the same side of the wall', he thinks to himself. It never occurred to him he might never pass through her mind at all. Perhaps he's a distant memory buried deep inside her mind, but she's a neverending daydream for him. Without her and the promise he made her, Jon would have given up by now.

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