98. Always

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 Trailing kisses down Rosalie's neck, Robb had no intention on letting her out of his arms until the battle began. He can't think about what's coming their way for long, his heart can't take it. Far too many of his dreams are at risk of dying a violent death and he cannot slow it down, he cannot stop the impending death march on his home and loved ones.

"Robb", she whispers meekly, shivering as his lips brush against a sensitive spot at the nape of her neck.

Shushing her, Robb inhales sharply. "I don't want to talk about it. I just want to hold you."

"They need us out there", she weaves her fingers into his hair. Part of her misses the curls, how they framed his face and accentuated the boyish features he used to possess. There's no trace of the boy he once was and while Rosalie loves the man Robb became, she'll always grieve the boy she first fell in love with. 

Closing his eyes, Robb sighs and his kisses stop much to Rosalie's dismay. She wishes they could continue their night and never come down from this high, but the reality of the situation is dire and she cannot ignore it for the queasy feeling in the pit of her stomach is getting worse with each moment passed. 

Whatever it is that she had gained from her ancestors, she knows an early warning sign is part of her magic too. She's always felt uneasy and afraid before horrible things happened in the past. Sometimes she'd ignore it, other times she couldn't quite understand it, but she doesn't have the luxury of either now. 

Her power had manifested to her in her dreams and there is no denying it in her waking hours. She tried. It didn't work out for the best for anyone involved. 

"If we walk out of here", he pauses and she can feel the apprehension in his tense shoulders. "We may never see each other again."

"Impossible", she's quick to reassure him. 

Looking up at her big brown eyes, Robb could hardly contain himself. All his love has collected in his eyes that are drowning in oceans his tears would create if he'd let them fall. But he can't allow it, not now. There will be time to cry...if he lives. 

"What makes you so certain, my queen?"

A small smile graces her lips, softening her features. "Because death tried to force us apart and it failed."

"Due to an insane amount of luck."

Shaking her head, her smile widens. "No. It's because we're written in the stars."

Swallowing thickly, Robb lets out a shuddered breath pass his parted lips. "I wish I could be as certain as you are."

Licking her lips, she cups his cheeks. Robb relaxes on instinct, refusing to close his eyes for he fears there isn't enough time for him to memorize her face. One of the worst parts of being away from her for so long was forgetting her face. It's been so long since he had seen her that he could faintly remember what her features are meant to look like, but his mind could never get a clear image of the woman his heart had surrendered to long ago. 

No. There's not nearly enough time for Robb to memorize every inch of her face, the softness of her hair under his fingertips, the tenderness she touches him with or the way she smiles whenever their eyes meet. How can he immortalize this moment to last him eternity? The way her body fits so perfectly with his, the curves he adores and the mole settled between her breasts he's so jealous of? Is there a way to capture the sweetness of her gentle sigh when she lays her head to rest on his chest or to bottle the sound of her giggle whenever he kisses the birthmark behind her right ear? 

If one of them must perish, Robb prays that he's the one. To live even a single day without Rosalie would be a fate worse than death. She could live on, find her happiness with another. As much as Robb hates to admit it, Jaime Lannister would love her with a fire that burns nearly as strongly as his and if it were to come down to it, Robb trusts Jaime would sacrifice himself for Rosalie's safety. And if not with Jaime, Robb would entrust her to his brother. After all, Jon's an honorable man, someone who'd care for her every need and possibly, with time, Jon would come to love her as well. They'd be a good match. 

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