97. Winter sunsets

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Rosalie Tyrell

As everyone gathered in the Great Hall of Winterfell, Robb had seated himself between Daenerys who heads the table and Sansa whose distaste for her is barely hidden. Jon sat on her left, seemingly to show his support, but Rosalie didn't see it so. She saw it as a way to provoke her, to provoke Robb and to remind them his allegiance is questionable at the moment.

She didn't like questioning his loyalty, for Rosalie always thought of Jon as the most loyal man she had ever met. Things are different now. He's not the man she remembers anymore, but neither of them are who they used to be. It would be unfair to judge him so harshly; as he did with her. Rosalie prefers to exercise caution - a healthy dose of it can make a difference between life and death and she has no plans on dying or losing anyone she loves due to her own naivety.

Naïve is what she used to be. She buried that girl in King's Landing when her siblings and father have been turned to ash.

Now, she stands a mere step behind a man who could have prevented it all. Rosalie's held so much resentment toward Jaime, blaming him for what his sister has done, but he didn't know. In her heart, she knows he'd never let it happen if there was any doubt about it. After all, it only ended in death of his children too. One way or another, Cersei has caused their children to fall, one by one until their golden gowns were replaced by golden shrouds. 

Jaime isn't the enemy. He never was. She sees it now as she saw it once before. 

"When I was a child, my brother would tell me a bedtime story about the man who murdered our father." Daenerys' voice is eerily calm, cold and calculated by Rosalie's assessment. She's here, not to give Jaime a chance, but to make certain he's meat for her dragons. 

Rosalie and Daenerys have hardly seen eye to eye since they met, but there was clear animosity on Daenerys' side from the start. She had taken every shot she got, undermined Rosalie if it was possible and spoke poisonous words coated in honey to everyone who'd listen. 

Jaime will not be another casualty of her hate toward Rosalie, like Dickon. She refuses to let her claim him. 

On the left of the room there is a shorter table where Tyrion Lannister, lord Varys, Missandei and Jorah Mormont sit. Rosalie's eyes find Tyrion easily, sharing the worry in a short exchange. On the right there is another table where Davos, brave Lyanna Mormont, lord Royce, Alys Karstark and Brienne of Tarth sit - allies, or so Rosalie believes. Lyanna would follow her lead, she's sure of it. The little girl has shown nothing short of admiration for Rosalie, finding her to be a guiding hand and Rosalie embraced the role wholeheartedly. Brienne would agree with her as well. Rosalie isn't blind to her longing looks sent Jaime's way; and she understands. She can hardly deny her feelings for Jaime, so why would she judge Brienne for seeing the good in him like she once did?

Daenerys continues, her eyes unyielding as she stares at Jaime. "Who stabbed him in the back and cut his throat. Who sat down on the Iron Throne and watched as his blood poured onto the floor."

Jaime's eyes lower. Rosalie's fingers twitch before she closes her fist, preventing herself from being foolish enough to reach for his hand.

"He told me other stories as well. About all the things we would do to that man once we took back the Seven Kingdoms and had him in our grasp." She pauses. "Your sister pledged to send her army north."

"She did."

"I don't see an army", she states with disgust. "I see one man, with one hand. It appears your sister lied to me."

Tyrion looks up at his brother and Jaime looks back. "She lied to me as well. She never had any intention of sending her army north."

Daenerys turned her glare towards Tyrion who glances at Rosalie, seemingly fueling Daenerys' rage further.

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