08. A heinous crime

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Robb didn't say anything once I returned. I had expected at least a question, perhaps even shouting, but he failed to react in any way. It's hard to say if I'm relieved or worried about the lack of response on his behalf, but his behaviour toward me hadn't changed. Not in the slightest bit.

The next two weeks were spent courting and watching over his brothers.

I'd take my morning walks with Robb, half wrapped in his cloak and half wrapped in his warm embrace which I found I prefer far more. The mornings were quiet and people were still inside, so we had freedom to do as we wish.

Robb had taken me into the Godswood too. At the centre of the woods stands an ancient tree with a face carved into it, a standing over a pool of black water. Across the Godswood from the heart tree, beneath the windows of the Guest House, an underground hot spring feeds three small pools, with a moss-covered wall looming above them. I take note of the area for future use. No, I wasn't a religious person by nature, but Robb is. I know this is where I can find him when he's hurt or in need of alone time. The hot spring seems like a good place for us to spend some alone, intimate time once we're wed and I can't help but grow anxious in anticipation of that possibility becoming true.

While Robb shared his views on life and expressed the overwhelming feelings of worry for his brother and fear over being left in charge of Winterfell, I found myself falling for him even more. Not many men would dare admit to such emotions and certainly not before a lady. Robb didn't mind sharing his thoughts with me nor asking my opinion on different matters. I appreciate his trust in me and most of all, I appreciate his honesty. It solidified my previous intent on marrying him, removing any dark clouds of doubt from my heart.

After breakfast, I'd take care of Rickon and Robb would spend time with his mother and Bran instead. Rickon is just a child, still in need of attention from his mother; attention he is greatly lacking. I cannot be the one to take her place, not properly and not now.

Although I understand, I cannot fathom a mother being so selfish. There's nothing she can do for Bran, for he is asleep and left to god's will, but Rickon is here and he needs her...now more than ever.

After lunch, Robb would handle Winterfell's affairs and I'd usually assist him, allowing Rickon to study with maester Luwin.

Dinner time was usually my time to join Catelyn, while Robb spends time with Rickon.

Our days quickly became routine, working so well together as if we're already an old, married couple. I know Robb thinks so as well.

"I am grateful." Catelyn says lowly, stopping her gaze on me.

"You found Bran just in time, helped Robb adjust to his new obligations and you take care of Rickon as well." She states, her lips slightly pursing.

"Do you love Robb?" The words leave her lips easy, as if she's not asking what's lurking deep inside my very being.

Do I love Robb?

I stare back at her, unsure of the answer myself. I haven't thought about it as much since the accident. I have feelings for him, that's a certainty. But do I love him?

I see her grow impatient with my silence, her jaw clenching and her eyes narrowing.

The wheels inside my mind turn quickly and the noise inside becomes deafening. Letting out a small sigh, I close my eyes for a moment before opening them once more.

"I do." The answer is simple. It's always been simple. I never believed in the love at first sight of which I heard some women liked to discuss, but when I met Robb...there's no other way to describe it. No other way but magic and I highly doubt magic was involved. Did I consider it? Yes! How else would I remain here under the colourless North sky with cold seeping in from all sides? Magic was my first guess. But I guess love is stronger than magic and the only probable foe here.

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