24. A dead king

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Rosalie - Shadowlands

It's late at night, but the soldiers seem to care not of slumber. The camp is alive with activity, in spite of the late hour, laughing and songs echoing as if it were a celebration. Perhaps it was...of what? I cannot be sure. Soldiers move in every direction, casting long shadows upon our tent.

Renly and Catelyn are seated across from one another while lady Brienne of Tarth stands at guard. Curious, I look her over, wondering just how good she must be with her sword and most importantly, how she learned it all? I wished for lessons, for someone to spar with but alas, she'd hardly be keen to cross swords with a Tyrell rose. My brother is a knight, she had no issue defeating him. I'm positive she'd have me on my knees in seconds, as well.

"You swear it?" Renly's eyes are narrow, his suspicion evident even with the inkling of hope in his voice. The cup of wine he's nursing this evening has been poured into seven times now and I am baffled by his ability to even speak.

"By the mother. My son has no interest in the Iron Throne. Lady Tyrell, tell him." Catelyn urged me, her plea grasping my attention. There is obviously no love in her heart for me, despite her son's wishes, but I am here to help Robb and I shall make sure I return with good news.

"It is true. Robb wishes no such thing. His desire is to rescue his sisters and kill the bastard Joffrey for the unjust murder of his father. Robb wants to protect his family, the Iron throne has no value to him." Backing lady Catelyn's words seem to please Renly, his ego far too great for my taste and the unusually long pause he takes with his sip of wine makes me uncomfortable. 

Doesn't he know we can do this without bloodshed? He married my sister and beds my brother, it's safe to say we're family after all. I'd never seek to harm my siblings. Family over everything, it's what grandmother always said and I stand by it.

" Then I see no reason for hostility between us. Your son can go on calling himself King in the North. The Starks will have dominion over all lands north of Moat Cailin, provided he swears me an oath of fealty." I cock an eyebrow with the wording Renly uses, more so with the smirk his lips froze on. If he dares cheat Robb, I will never forgive him. 

"And the wording of this oath?" Catelyn asks what I've been pondering as it is, receiving a predictable answer.

"The same Ned Stark swore to Robert eighteen years ago. Cat, their friendship held the kingdoms together." I could see her considering these terms for they seem favorable for both Robb and the North and I felt it's best to take this offer while it's on the table.

"And in return for my son's loyalty?"

"In the morning, I'll destroy my brother's army." Renly stands firm and I glance at Brienne who seems on edge even now when she could easily see we're not a threat.

"When that's done, Baratheon and Stark will fight their common enemy together, as they have done many times before." Renly walks across the tent toward his guard - the lady Brienne who removes his cloak with an odd look of admiration in her eyes. It's a look I know far too well - a look of a woman that desires a man and not his title. 


"Our two houses have always been close, which is why I am begging you to reconsider this battle. Negotiate a peace with your brother." Catelyn tries once again though for what reason I cannot be sure. If even I could see he was set on this rivalry ending tomorrow, couldn't she too?

"Negotiate with Stannis? You heard him out there. I'd have better luck debating the wind." Brienne continues removing Renly's armor as I sense a shiver running down my spine. It's unsettling, the feeling running bone deep as I stand with my eyes wandering the tent for the source of the unwanted wind. It's picking up speed, but the tent is sealed shut.

"Please bring my terms to your son. I believe we are natural allies. I hope he feels the same. Together we could end this war in a fortnight." He's right, I know he is. If Baratheon and Stark join their forces with Tyrell soldiers assisting them, this war is as good as done but the odd dangerous sensation refuses to leave my spirit. It's a certain doom I can't quite understand.

The wind howls, startling us as a dark cloud of mist races into the tent. Catelyn notices as I do, watching it cross the floor. Brienne gasps as a dark spirit takes form from the mist, rising up behind unsuspecting Renly. My heart pounding is screaming for me to run, save myself but I'm frozen. The dark spirit stabs Renly in the back, straight through the heart. As Renly gasps and the spirit hisses, I can't help the frightened croak passing my lips.

"No! No." Brienne shouts, unable to help her king as she sees his demise begin to unravel. 

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