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Type sat at the cafe, staring at his computer. He had lost his motivation to do much school work, so he just bought the plane tickets to his parents and decided to watch a movie until Tharn arrived to pick him up.

He let out a sigh and laid his head down on the table. The movie wasn't sad, but he felt his eyes sting lightly as he watched it. He had all these thoughts running through his mind that that he wasn't even watching the movie anymore.


He sat up quickly, wiping away the fallen tears as Tharn approached the table. 

"What's wrong? Are you hurt?" Tharn rushed to sit beside him, examining him. "Why are you crying?"

"I'm just watching this movie." Type chuckled softly and shook his head. 

Tharn glanced down at the animation Type had been watching. He rolled his eyes and turned back toward his boyfriend. "You're crying because of this?"

"It's very sad, thank you very much. The main character's actually an orphan and his backstory is really sad, so that's why I crying."

"Uh huh. I'm sure." He wrapped his arms around Type's shoulders and pulled him against his side. "Wanna tell me the real reason?"

Type sighed and leaned into Tharn, feeling secure under him. "Do you ever think it's to much to be with me?"

Tharn laughed. "What would make you think that?" He pulled back. "Seriously, Type. What is the matter?"

Type sniffed, holding back more tears. "I'm sorry for everything that's happened up until now. I know it's probably not what you expected when we started this." 

"Type, I thought we were past all of this? I thought we cleared all of this up."

"I thought we did too. I just keep having these thoughts that one day something is gonna happen that we won't be able to get past, and when that happens we'll have to break up. It could be Sam. It could be San. It could be someone else." 

Tharn took Type's face in his hands and forced him to look in his eyes. "Type, I don't know what has been going through you head but let me tell you this: One, San means absolutely nothing to me. We had nothing and never will. Nothing he does will change my mind. Two, nothing that has happened between you and Sam will change my mind. I'm embracing everything about you, including your past with Sam. If that means having to work through things, then that means having to work through some things. As for someone else, I love you." He placed a gentle kiss on Type's forehead. "I went to one class. What happened while I was gone?"

"Mix." Type admitted. "I saw Mix and he told me that he filed a police report against Sam for assaulting him, and he wants me to go to the police too." 

"What? What did you tell him?" Tharn questioned, moving back a little more.

"I told him that I just wanted all of this to be over. I don't see why he has to keep interfering in our lives anymore. He's clearly done enough." 

"Type," Tharn kissed each cheek, his forehead again, his nose, and his lips softly. "Whatever your choice is, I'll be there to support you. I just want you to know, though." He caressed the side of Type's cheek. "Talking to the police may be the good option."

Type groaned and pressed his face into the side of Tharn's side. "If I do it, will you be there with me?"

Tharn wrapped his arms around Type again and laid his head against Type's. "I'll always be there."

They sat in the cafe for a little while longer before heading to Type's house.


They flopped down onto the bed together, Type wrapped in Tharn's arms.

Tharn threw a leg over Type's and snuggled into the crook of his neck. "You smell nice."

Type laughed and shook his head. "Don't I always?"

"Of course. But today its especially nice." Tharn kissed the side of his neck and let out a deep sigh. "In just a few days we'll be able to disappear off to your parent's and leave everything here behind for a bit."

Type turned a bit and wrapped his arms around Tharn as well. He rested his chin on top of Tharn's head and smiled softly. "No Sam. No San. No school. No friends. And my parents will love you. We can go to the sea and swim too."

"Mmm." Tharn kissed Type's neck a few more times before he pulled back a bit. "I have homework to do, though."

He whined softly, gaining a small chuckle from Type.

"Comfort me while I do it?"

"Of course."

Tharn untangled himself from his boyfriend and stood up from the bed. He grabbed his bag, grabbing his workbooks and laptop before jumping back on the bed, getting comfortable.

Type moved up and sat next to Tharn, laying his head on his shoulder and swinging his leg over his lap.

Tharn began to work as Type watched TV. It was simple but to the two of them, it was the only place they wanted to be.

After a few hours of working, Tharn closed his laptop and checked his phone. 6:46.

Type was sleeping soundly on his shoulder and Tharn didnt want to disturb him, but he untangled Type from him and and laid him down in the bed correctly before getting up to make dinner.

He wasnt much of a cook, but he knew how to make a few things. So, he quietly, so as to not wake Type, he threw a few things together for the two of them.


San sat next to Thorn on the couch. They had just got back from Thorn's parent's music shop.

"So, what's the whole deal with Tharn's boyfriend?"

Thorn sighed. "They've been together for a little while now. Tharn seems really happy with him." He explained.

"Is he, though?" San shook his head. "He said it himself that he hasn't been playing music since they got together. Tharn? Not playing music?"

"I'm sure it's not that big of a deal."

"I dont know. He also seems kind of like an ass. I mean, he was weirdly taunting me earlier this morning. And when I arrived, he didnt let Tharn greet me."

Thorn titled his head to the side. "San, that's not what happened."

"I'm serious, Thorn. Type might be a bad influence for him."

"By making him the happiest I've ever seen him?"

"Whatever. I've made him much more happier than Type ever could."


"I'll prove it."


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