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Type closed and locked the door behind him as he entered into his condo. He kicked his shoes off by the door and ambled is way to his bedroom. 

His heart danced around in his chest with happiness as he entered his room, dropping his bags by the door and flopping down, face first, onto his bed. He let out a sigh and turned onto his back. He stared up at the ceiling as a wide smile played across his lips. 

He had had a nice time with Tharn. He had gotten to know him more. He saw a side of Tharn that it seemed like he didn't show often. It felt nice. 

He didn't care to change his clothes, or take a shower, being to tired to get back up from his bed, so he just pulled the covers over his body and snuggled in.

His eyes fell closed as he drifted away, feeling the sleepiness pull at him until it took him completely. 


The next few days seemed to fly by quickly. Tharn and Type messaged quite a bit more than the usual amount for Tharn. They hadn't met in person though, because Tharn was to busy with practice for the talent show, which was being held the next day and Type had practice for football.

He has already spoken to Type and asked him if he was attending. Type said he planned on it, and, even if he wasn't, Eve would probably drag him along anyway.

Type was also excited for the results of the photography event he had entered before. He had logged on and seen the scores, which placed him in second place. He didn't mind, though. He just wanted more people to enjoy his photos.

Currently, Type is sitting on the football field, Techno and Champ on either side of him. They had just finished practice and Type felt like his entire body had been drained of all its energy.

"What time do the results come out tomorrow?"

Type let out a sigh and laid back in the grass. "Around five, I think. Right before the talent show starts." He closed his eyes and placed his arm over them for extra blockage.

"Well, whatever the results may be, we're going on drinking tomorrow. It's Friday, which means no class the next day and no class the next day means a hangover is welcome."

Type shook his head with a chuckle at Techno's words. Champ rolled his eyes and smacked him on the back of the head.

"What was that for?" He asked, rubbing the, now, sore spot.

"Just because."

"Don't forget we're going to the talent show, tonight. I already promised some friends I would go."

"You have more friends then just us?" Champ questioned.

Type uncovered his eyes so he could glare at his friend. "Yes."

"Does this mean we're going to your condo after classes tomorrow?"

Type sat back up and shook his head. He squinted slightly, the world seeming brighter than before. "No. I got some things to take care of. Same thing today. I'm gonna finish up my shower and then head the club before leaving. I wanna get some pictures developed and see if there are any competitions hanging on the board." He told them.

"What about tomorrow?" Techno questioned.

"Tomorrow I'm going to Sam's studio. I need to pick up the rest of my stuff and give him his keys back."

"What keys?" Champ asked, him and Techno looking to Type with a darker expression across their faces.

"The keys to his apartment a stuff." Type said with a sigh.

The other two boys let out groans. "Type, seriously? Why do you still eve have those. Please tell me you aren't still involved with him."

Type shook his head. "No. Not anymore. When I told you guys it was the last time, I meant it. That's why I'm going to give him back his keys. Maybe then he'll understand that I mean it's final."

"What are you gonna use as studio space?" Champ asked.

Techno shrugged his shoulders. "Maybe you could rent one. I can loan you some money to start off and you can just pay me back later."

Type shook his head again. "No. Someone offered to let me use some space. I'm gonna take her up on the offer."

"For free?"

"Yeah?" Type smiled. "I was surprised too, but a friend of mine talked to her and since his mom is friends with her, she said she could make an exception."

Techno and Champ gave one another devilish smirks as they nudged their friend in his sides. "The same friend you promised to go see at the talent show?" Techno questioned.

Type laughed and pushed both of then away. "Yes. My friend."

The other two boys shook their heads. "And do you happen to like this friend?" Champ asked.

Type rolled his eyes. "Look, a gay guy can be friends with another guy, gay or straight, and not be into him."

"That didn't answer my question."

"Whatever." Type said, standing from his spot on the ground. "I'm going to shower and change."

Champ called after him, to answer the question, as he walked away. When he realized Type was indeed ignoring him, he rolled his eyes and turned his attention back to Techno, who began talking about something to do with making plans for the next day.

Type finished his shower quickly and hurried to get dressed. He knew Cake would still be in the room, since she usually didn't leave until the last class of the day was finished, but he wanted to get there as quickly as possible.

Practice had ended at 3, and he knew, even if he didn't want to, he would stuck in that dark room for 3 hours at most. 

When he arrived at the room, Cake was at her desk, typing away on her computer. She looked up when she heard the door open and gave Type a wide smile. 

"Hey, I didn't know you were coming in today." 

Type shrugged and shot her a smile back. "It was more of a last minute thing I decided on during practice. I just realized that there were a few pictures that I wanted to get developed. I also wanted to check the board to see if there was any new competition or event." He told her. 

Cake let out a chuckle and shook her head. "Well, you are just in time, because." she grabbed something off of her desk and held it out for time to take. "I just got this a few hours ago. I haven't hung it up yet, and I'm giving you first dibs."

"What is it?" He questioned, taking it from her and reading the general information. 

"It's not a campus event or competition hosted by the college. It's a legit competition hosted by an elite photography company, Flash. They are offering $500 and a contract to the winner. The thing is, you can't submit a couple landscape photos or things like that. You have to submit 50 pictures with 1 or more models in them." She explained. "They don't have to be submitted for at least two weeks, and then it will take another week until the results are in." 

Type folded up the paper with a smile. He already knew who he wanted to ask.


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