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Type swallowed hard, watching the little water drops slide down Tharn's defined chest. He pressed the shutter button. The shutter clicked and the light flashed, capturing Tharn's picture. He watched him, through the lens, as he changed his position and undo another one of his buttons. 

"Type." Tharn's voice was like music to his ears. Just listening to him call his name made him nervous, though. "Is this good?"

"It's perfect."

They had decided to meet early the next morning at Tharn's mom's friend's studio. They wanted to get stared on taking the photos to submit them earlier. Type didn't like the feeling of waiting until last minute. Plus, Tharn was perfectly fine to meet him again so soon. 

After Type left his house the day before, Tharn had gone against his better judgement and called Eve. She was all to happy when Tharn asked her if it was possible that he had feelings for Type.

He was oblivious to the fact that stared way to long or smiled more than usual when Type was around. He wasn't ignorant of the fact that his heart best faster sometimes when Type gets to close or sends him a certain smile. He also wasn't ignorant to the fact that he truly liked spending time with Type. More so than almost anyone else in his life. All he'd ever done for the past few years was study music or study for school. He never cared about much else.

Eve insisted in pointing out all of the obvious details that she said proved there were mutual feelings.

Tharn may have seemed like he'd be the bold type, but outside of music, he wasn't confident in that much. Most of his ex-boyfriends had approached him first.

He listened to her theories and fantasies for as long as he could before bidding her farewell and stuck to thinking by himself.

Now, as he sat in the chair, in front of Type, shirt three buttons away from being undone, he felt confident he had some sort of feeling for Type. A feeling that could be categorized as "more than a friend."

Type lifted his head from behind the camera and gave Tharn a wide smile. "So, are you still against becoming a real model?" 

"I would do it for you." Tharn's words caused a blush to creep up on the back of Type's neck. He cleared his throat. "I mean, I did agree to do it for the competition." 

Type nodded. "Yeah. I-I know that. I just mean, if the opportunity presented itself, would you model again?" 

Tharn shook his head. "I'm not sure. I don't work well with others." 

"You worked well with me, and you didn't even know me two months ago." Type commented. 

Tharn shrugged. "I guess we just have good chemistry."

Type chuckled and shook his head. "You're cheesy." He played it off like it was supposed to be a joke, but the heat on his face was making it to obvious how he really felt about what Tharn said. 

Type was still in the middle of figuring out his feelings for Tharn, but the more he and Tharn saw one another, the closer he was to the fact that he does indeed like Tharn. He was just a bit scared to push things to far or go to fast without being certain. Sure, Tharn could act like this now, but how sure could he be that he wouldn't hurt him like Sam did?

"Depending on how long you're free to meet everyday depends on how quick we get these done." Type said, pushing his thoughts to the back of his mind for later. 

"I'm free whenever." 

"Great. Then, since we agreed to meet for two hours today, why don't we do that tomorrow and the next day as well. I'm sure we'll get enough pictures in three days that I can pick out the amount I need." Type told him.

[18+] Picture Perfect || TharnTypeHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin