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Tharn pulled up in front of Sam's studio. He had hardly even turned off the car before hopping out, slamming the door behind him.

The door to the studio was already unlocked, probably because Sam sometimes had clients during the day, so he just walked straight it.

He looked around the studio, but Sam wasn't around, so he knew he was probably in his apartment.

"Sam!" Tharn could hear the loud feedback of his voice. He knew Sam would hear him. "Come out, Sam!"

"What the hell, man?" It was clear Sam was also angry at someone coming up in his studio and shouting. He was even more annoyed when he realized it was Tharn.

Sam was going to say something else, but he never got to. Tharn had walked up and angrily shoved Sam to the ground.

He hit it with a groan. "Shit."

"Yeah." Tharn said nodding his head and stepping between Sam's legs. He took a fistful of his shirt and pulled him up a bit. "Do you think it's okay to just go around hitting people and getting no repercussion? You know, you don't even have to answer that because I already know that you do. So, here is what we're gonna do. Since I actually love my boyfriend, and beating the shit out of you wouldn't make him entirely happy for some reason, I'll just hit you a few times and then you can go cry yourself to sleep. Okay?" Tharn gave him a sarcastic smile and tilted his head a bit.

It was more of a rhetorical question as Tharn drew his fist back and punched Sam in the face.

Tharn laughed and let Sam fall to the ground, groaning after getting punched for the second time today. "I've never punched anyone before." He shook his hand. "Kind of hurts a little."

Sam pushed himself off of the ground, wiping some blood off of the lips. "You're stupid. You really think you can keep Type for long? He always comes back to me." He laughed when Tharn pulled him by the collar again.

"You really think he'd ever go back to you? Then tell me why he didn't even give a second thought about your relationship after meeting me. Tell me why I'm the one always at his apartment. Tell me why it was my name he was moaning in bed last night if you're the one he wants." Tharn shoved him against the wall. "I'm warning you Sam. Stay the hell away from my boyfriend or I swear to god I will make sure you can no longer take your precious photos."

Tharn kicked over one of the carts next to him before walking out. He slammed the front door as well, making Sam jump slightly.

Tharn got into his car, making sure to hold his angry demeanor until he was out of Sam's sight. After he was, he dropped his anger and winced as he. held his hand. He knew it wasn't broken but damn it hurt.

He pulled out his phone, realizing he had a few messages from Type and a missed call.

TYPE: Nothing's broken. Just slightly sprained.

TYPE: Missed call.

TYPE: I'm going home.

Tharn let out a sigh and tossed the phone into the passenger seat. He knew Type was probably upset, so there was one place he needed to be. No questions asked.

About fifteen minutes later, he pulled into the parking lot in front of Type's building. He parked in his usual spot and turned off the car before getting out.

He made his way up to Type's apartment and knocked on the door. He could here some rustling behind the door before he it ultimately opened.

Type let out a small, relieved sigh when his eyes landed on Tharn.

Tharn gave him a small smile as Type moved out of the way to let him in.

"You didn't call me back or anything."

"I know." Tharn took Type's injured hand in his and placed and soft kiss on the back of it.

Type looked away slightly and let out another sigh. "What did you do?"

"I hit him." He told him honestly. "I was gonna hit him more than once but it actually hurt a lot more than I expected." He chuckled softly.

"What if he calls the police?"

Tharn rolled his eyes. "He wouldn't dare."

"You didn't have to do that."

"Of course I did." Tharn chuckled bitterly. "He hit you, Type. And it wasn't just today. I should have killed him is what I should have done." He shook his head.

Typw grabbed his face with both hands and made Tharn look him in the eye. "Well, you are definitely not a fighter." He chuckled.

Tharn groaned and laid his head against Type's shoulder. "Don't tease me."

"I'm not teasing you. It's not a bad thing. That just means that you're more of a lover."

Tharn lifted his head quickly and narrowed his eyes at Type. "A lover, huh?" 

Type laughed again and moved away. "You know what I meant." He locked the front door and pulled Tharn into the Livingroom. "Looks like we got something in common, though." He said, raising Tharn's hurt hand. "But yours looks okay. It hasn't started bruising yet or anything."

"When did you become a medical student?" Tharn asked jokingly. 

Type shrugged. "Um, when my dad used to get drunk he would hit things like the wall or whatever. I mean, he never hit mom or me, but I've seen a lot of sprained wrists." He explained. 

Tharn let out a small sigh and flopped down on the couch. He pulled Type to sit down next to him. He rested his chin on Type's shoulder and looked up at him. "I'm sorry."

Type shrugged. "It's in the past now. Besides, you should be lucky that I didn't kill you. I told you to be careful."

"I was careful. You just said it yourself. It's not broken or sprained."

Type grabbed Tharn's wrist and squeezed it. Tharn winced and and pulled his arm back.

Type raised his eye brows and titled his head slightly to the side.

"It only hurts a little." Tharn pouted and laid his head back on the couch.

Type chuckled softly and placed a chaste kiss on his cheek. "Would you like something to eat? Unless you need to get back to your parents."

Tharn shook his head. "I'm okay to stay a little while longer."

Type stood from the couch and made his way into the kitchen.

Tharn laid back on the couch and watched Type move around the kitchen.

He didn't know how long he was laying there until his eyes fluttered shut and he fell asleep.

Type was plateing the food when he noticed Tharn passed out on the couch. He arm was hanging off of the side of the couch and his mouth was slightly open.

He couldn't help but smile as he leaned against the doorframe, watching him sleep.

Tharn was so peaceful and still and beautiful that Type didn't want to disturb him, but nonetheless, he picked up one of the pillows on the floor and tossed it at his boyfriends head, effectively waking him up.

He chuckled as he groaned and looked around, slightly confused. "The foods ready. Come eat."

Tharn smiled and rubbed his eyes before pushing himself off of the couch. He had this weird feeling in his heart as we walked into the kitchen.

He paused softly when realized exactly what it was.

"Hey," he said, getting Type's attention.

Type turned to him with a small smile.

"I love you."


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