꧁𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 1꧂

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"I have this odd obssesion with the sky, I can't seem to take my eyes off it, - Miles Gold
    I stare into the mirror, looking at the mess that rests atop of my head in a tangled mess. Ugh, I hate having such black, curly, unruly hair. It makes for some awful bedhead and it takes me a long time to just get it looking decent. It takes me 30 mins to get it detangled and somewhat tamed. I glance down at my Samsung Galaxy to check the time and see I have less than 15 mins to get downstairs to eat breakfast so I'm not late for class. I glance at my appearance in the old foggy, white-trimmed mirror to see if I have any eye boogers or any stray toothpaste. I search my tanned semi-soft skin around my light brown eyes —that are still fogged with sleep —and around my pale pink full lips that always have a way turning into a weird pout even without me knowing.
    "Get down here Miles! If you are not down here in 10 mins you're not eating this morning, and if I have to come up there to get you there will be consequences!" the soft but crinkled voice of my Grammy pierces through my inner turmoil and I jet across the hall to my neutral colored room, closing the door in the process; not wanting to get in trouble again.
    I huff as I struggle with the shoelaces on my tan Adidas. Groaning I pull at my hair not understanding where my mind has gone today. I hate when this happens, honestly, I think there is something wrong with me, or it's just that my brain isn't completely done erasing the sleepy fog that clouds my thoughts. "Why the hell does this happen?!" I yell furiously as I throw them across the room while yanking at my dark curls in irritation and frustration with myself. Take deep breathes it's okay....you just didn't get enough sleep last night and there is nothing to get that overwhelmed for. Grabbing my cream-colored crocs I slip them on over my thermal white socks giving up on tying my shoelaces. I check my appearance in the dark golden body length mirror hanging on the back of the door to make sure nothing else is out of place. My curly hair is unruly as always, hanging slightly over my eyebrows as it stops just above my long dark eyelashes. My large plain brown sweat set fits the large build that I earned from years of going to the gym, even if I don't play a sport because nothing ever seemed interesting enough to make me join one. I grab the worn-down black backpack that I've had since freshman year of high school, so this will be my fourth year, and it's going to stay that way till it can no longer be repaired. I don't like buying things at full price, call me whatever you want but I never see the point when I can just thrift or go to a secondhand shop; it's just the way I've grown up. I head out the door just to be met with a short Italian woman, standing at 5'2, with a scowl scribbled along her brow line.
    "Morning, Grammy," I say gruffly kissing her on her soft, slightly wrinkled cheeks. She looks at me with soft greyish eyes as if to say, you were supposed to be down 2 mins ago. I groan smiling lightly as I put my arm around her shoulder, seeing as my 5'9 stature won't allow me to loop my arm through hers as I used to when I was younger. A soft but firm voice echoes off the dark brown walls of the hallway making me glance down at her head which is clad in long white silvery hair.
    "You know I don't like you running late for nothing, especially it being the first time in a while that you're going to regular school rather than being homeschooled and being home all day," Grammy scolds me as she taps my cheek upon reaching the end of the worn down, light brown stairs.
    "Yea, I know Grammy, but this morning my brain is somewhere else again and the sleep won't get off my back," I grumble remembering what had just happened with my favorite shoes. Sitting down at the old sturdy wooden table; my voice vibration through the medium-sized kitchen as it mixes in with the birds singing their daily early morning songs as they stay hidden amongst the trees that are covered in a light dusting of frost from an oddly cold morning. I drink the tea that Grammy has placed in front of me since I've moved in with her, I watch as she moves around the cottage kitchen that's decorated with small trinkets and jars of preserves with little room to spare with all of the homemade things covering the cream-colored countertops. I thank her as she places a bowl of grits and fresh fruits from the garden out back in front of me. We converse over simple things while eating breakfast together and heading to school after cleaning up the remnants of breakfast.
    We live a distance away from the nearest high school, which is one of the various reasons I was homeschooled for a little while. Jumping in my pickup truck I drive the 10 miles to school with a podcast playing lightly in the background. I don't ever listen to music unless it has a softer tone to it because it kind of makes me uncomfortable due to things that have happened in the past plus growing up in a somewhat quiet environment with my Grammy. Pulling up to Lightburn Highschool I start to slightly sweat at the palms and my heart starts to get a little too jumpy at the sight of the old brick building with all kinds of kids littered around it. Driving around to the back of the school to park since most of the parking is taken up; taking it as a chance to get my heart under control and try to contain my anxiety as I'm slightly overwhelmed with feelings flooding in. After parking in a space nearest to the back door to the school, I lean my head onto the steering wheel counting the number of holes in the top of my crocs; a technique I discovered when I was younger and on the verge of a panic attack. My knuckles turn pale as I grip the worn-out leathered steering wheel; my breathing slowly returns to normal and I no longer feel as if my heart is trying to crawl its way out of my body through my throat.
    Grabbing my backpack from beside me, I step out of the truck with my head slightly angled downwards to watch my step as my feet have this odd way not feeling as if they are mine and have a mind of their own and make my way into the building. I have weird moments like this and it honestly freaks me out but I've had to deal with it for so long I've just learned to adapt to it even if I may lose my cool and have to take a breather. I stare at the front office door, contemplating if I should just be homeschooled for one more year before pushing open the surprisingly heavy dark wood door and step into the frigid air-conditioned office. I glance around to see who is inside the office before approaching the secretary's desk to ask for my schedule.
"Miles Gold."
"Alright, here you go. Your first class starts in 10 mins and here is your locker number and lock with the combination. Just remember that this school runs on a block schedule but since you were homeschooled and have completed almost all of your graduation requirements, except for gym and an art elective; which for you is ceramics 1 and 2; you have kind of an easy schedule. You only have to come to school M, W, F from 10-1 and T, Th from 2-3. You seem like a fairly smart kid so I think you'll get the hang of it soon. Alright, have a good day and don't be late for your first class, which now is in 5 mins."
    I thank her and leave as soon as possible, just in case she started speaking again. Running my hand over my face I walk down the hall with my shoulders slightly pulled in as I try to get through the surprisingly crowded hallways. Just as I reach my locker and begin to unlock it, a hand taps me on the shoulder. Glancing behind me as I finish putting my lock onto my locker, I turn around being met with a lad that towers slightly over me with a stature that seems to be somewhat in the middle of being lanky and muscular. He gazes down at me with dark hazel eyes that seem to scan and see into the parts of me that I don't know myself. Sticking out his slightly reddish palms and olive-skinned arm; which is slightly littered with tattoos that seem to hold the past of the person that carries them, introduces himself as Danny.
    "You're new here," he says with such conviction that there is no room left for questioning or second-guessing.
    "Uh yeah, I am. Is there something I can do for you, now that you have identified me as the new kid?" I slightly groan out as I didn't want to be late for my first class, seeing as it would just make me stand out more.
    "Woah...I wasn't expecting that type of voice to come out of you...Although it kind of fits your," he pauses as he gestures to all of me, which I kind of took as him talking about how I'm built since you can kind of still see that I have a muscular body under my sweats. He continues to introduce himself as Danny and how he isn't anyone special. He saw a new person and he just wanted to know who I was and if I wanted to eat lunch with him and his friends. After showing him my schedule he makes a slight face that kind of makes me believe that maybe he wasn't as nice as he chalked himself up to be.
    "I never pegged you as someone who would be such a nerd to have such little classes, but hey can't judge a book by its cover can ya," Danny mutters before clapping me on the back and showing me to my first class. Standing at the front of the class with 15 pairs of eyes staring back at me, makes me internally groan and slip my hands into my sweat pockets, tucking my thumbs into the palms of my hands as my shoulders straighten up to not appear intimidated or uncomfortable by their unwavering stares that seem to slither across my skin as if to dissect me right there. I grumble out my name as the pale thin lady asked me to from behind her oval glasses to say my name and find a seat. I get strange looks as I make my way to the middle of the classroom to sit down next to the window after talking to the teacher quietly about needing a window seat. In reality, it wasn't that I needed it, there was just a breeze, and it kind of help with my anxiety.
    I make my way to the nurses' office, after my 2 classes and a study break, to grab my pills needed for anxiety and head to lunch but just because I was asked to sit with Danny so that I could be introduced to his friends even though it all seemed pointless and I could be on my way to the gym.
     On the way to lunch, I can't shake the feeling of wanting something to suck on which happens frequently enough that I always keep candy on me. Since I get it at random times I come prepared; reach into my backpack I pull out a couple of rootbeer flavored candies and pop one into my mouth. I've come to believe it's just because I get anxious but I don't know why I get certain overwhelming urges such as this one. I head into the lunchroom with a pocket of rootbeer candy and the slightly soothing effect of me sucking on candy making my mind slightly fogged as I make my way to the table Danny is sitting at after search a little. I make my way to the table stuck with a slightly fogged mind and shuffling feet as I didn't want to trip on my way there.

𝚆𝚘𝚛𝚍 𝙲𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚝: 𝟸𝟸𝟶𝟶
Well that is the end of chapter one and now I need to edit this and well it will be edited when this is upp anyway so.... yea. Also I lovee this new song by Melanie Martinez
Well I hope you enjoyed this chapter and if you liked it please save it and vote for it. Thank you. Peace, Love, & Stuffies

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