Authors Note

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Hello! I am back with another author note, sadly, instead of a update. I wanted to jump on here really quickly while I'm taking a break from cooking; to say, that my whole family had had Covid the past few weeks. I, unfortunately, also contracted Covid and was out for a few days. My mother had to be admitted to the hospital,  I was with her the whole time and now she is recovering. There are a lot of things i have to do now that we are back home; this includes, taking care of her and the things she can't do until she gets back to her full health. thank God, she is making a smooth and quick recovery but it still is very difficult to write when all of this is going on. So, I ask that you all stay safe and make sure you are all washing your hands constantly and wearing your masks in crowded places, even if you are already vaccinated. Covid's very serious and it can impact your life in an instant. I know there isn't much else any of us can do except to constantly be vigilante in our daily lives to contain this. To be completely honest, I hadn't believed it is as bad as they say it is, simply because I didn't want to but it really is a terrible and painful virus. There are many complications that stem from this and it's what needs to be watched out for. I, myself, am still recovering from it and it is a struggle but I am the oldest in my house and I have a lot to do.

I will begin to write some more once things settle down a bit, so I ask for your patience. I know I left the last chapter off on a weird ending but I promise it will all make sense...hopefully. 🤣 I hope you all stay safe and warm (now that Fall is finally here!!!) while living your best lives. I will see you all again soon. Mwah <3

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