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Abhimanyu reached back before sunrise. All the warriors were arriving to march back for Kurukshetra.

Unable to hear the insulting words from Dhuryodhan enraged Dronacharya has created Chakravyuha in the war field.

Krishna and Arjun are left for west direction of Kurukshetra to stop Susharma from attacking Viraata.

The news of Chakravyuha has just reached Dharmraj.

Other side , before leaving for war field Abhimanyu went to see Uttara.

They were standing in each other's embrace.

Abhimanyu kissed her and ,

" Uttara leave me now I have to go " Abhimanyu said.

" hmm I will but some more time " Uttara said like a baby.

" After returning from war field also we are having whole night with us now like a good girl leave me and wait for me to return " Abhimanyu broke the hug.

" bye arya I will be waiting for you come soon " she kissed him on his cheeks and then he took leave from her.

" Jyest what to do now?? " Bheem questioned.

" we have to do something Jyest or else our army will be depleted by today itself " Nakul said.

" Vasudev,  Arjun , Pradyumana and very few knew how to break Chakravyuha. Now Arjun and Krishna  are not here and Pradyumana is not participating I am puzzled and Indeed I know that Abhimanyu know it from his mother's womb but in the absence of Arjun my heart denies to land his son in danger " Yudhistira said.

Abhimanyu heard it. All of a sudden the words of Draupadi rang in his ears.

" Subhadra even if Pandavas refuses to attack on kauravas I will gain the Justice with the help of Upapandavas and my son Abhimanyu " Draupadi said Subhadra looking at Abhimanyu with pride.

" pranipat tatshree " Abhimanyu greeted Yudhistira.

All of them smiled at him.

" why are you thinking this much about this matter tatshree I am there send me to Chakravyuha , I will defeat those wretched who insulted my mother and send them to the abode of Yamaraj no need to think more tatshree send me " Abhimanyu said his words showed his bravery perfectly.

Pandavas heart filled with pride.

Yudhistira embraced Abhimanyu.

" putra I am very proud of you you are have the massive prowess in you no doubt in that, but the one with whom you have to fight they are not soo easy to defeat my dear " Yudhistira caressed his head.

Abhimanyu giggled.

" tatshree does anyone needs a ship to cross a mirage , does anyone need Garuda mantra to catch a false snake the same way do I fear to penetrate the padmavyuha of acharya Drona never , don't even think that I could be defeated soo easily I won't allow my fathers , Mamashree and My guru Pradyumana to lower their heads . I don't wish to have a debate on this tatshree just allow me once and see " Abhimanyu said firmly.

" putra , you are our darling how can I send you to the trap of enimies, there are maharathis like Kripa , Guruputra Ashwattama , Radheya , Guru Drona , Dhuryodhan,  Dushasan,  Sindhu Naresh Jayadrath and others , what if they all attacks you all together ignoring the rules of war ? " Yudhistira asked him.

" tatshree does the wind sweats , does the fire fears for snow , is any work is there for fog in hot summer no right ?? don't think like what....this boy can do this work , I can no more bear this pain in your face , allow me I will serve these eyes of yours by destroying the strength of enimies " Abhimanyu wiped his tears.

Bheem, Nakul and Sahadev's hearts were brimming with pride and happiness. Yudhistira looked at them who nodded to him.

" putra , with all the army force we all will come with you as the shield to watch you destroying them go ahead " with these words Yudhistira agreed and permitted him to penetrate Chakravyuha.

Abhimanyu fell to his feets " Tatshree I will inform to my mother and join you soon " saying this Abhimanyu left.

" mataa mataa where are you " Abhimanyu called Subhadra.

" haa I am here " Subhadra came.

" mataa I have taken permission from tatshree Yudhistir to penetrate Chakravyuha " Abhimanyu said with joy.

" Chakravyuha " Subhadra exclaimed a sudden fear occupied her face.

" no don't go " Subhadra said.

" mataa what are you please bless me and send me please today I will complete my vow along with that I have got a chance to make my family to feel proud of me " Abhimanyu pleaded her.

" I have heard about it , it is the most difficult and trickiest vyuha , I fear if anything happens to you I can't live putra atleast think of your newly wed wife Uttara " Subhadra tried to make him understand.

" then let him go mataa " Uttara said as she entered with a Aarthi.

Abhimanyu smiled at her but Subhadra gave questioning look.

" jiji always says that I should become the courage of arya not his weakness " Uttara smiled.

Subhadra has to be agree now.

Uttara performed aarthi to him and placed tilak on his forehead.

" I know you will achieve it arya " Uttara said.

Abhimanyu took blessings from Subhadra and looked at Uttara and cupped her face and left for Kurukshetra.

As he was climbing his chariot the sacred thread which Draupadi tied to him for his protection got loosened abd fell down.

" Sumitra proceed " Abhimanyu orderd his charioteer.

Vatsala kept the flower basket and went inside to arrange everything as she was leaving for the temple.

The knife of karna which he gave for Vatsala fell in to that basket by mistake as it was kept at the edge.

Unknowingly,  Vatsala placed some more flowers on it and took it towards temple.

She made a small Shivalinga from mud and lighted a diya in front of it and offered some flowers. She sat infront of it praying for the well being of Abhimanyu.

Lakshman kumar headed towards kurukshetra with a determined feeling.

" Abhimanyu today either I should live or you Today I won't spare you at any cost " Lakshman said looking at his weapons.

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Priya Vatsala : The Unsung love story of Abhimanyu [COMPLETED ✓]Where stories live. Discover now